Battle at the Western Gate!

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Reports fly of a pitched battle at the city's Western Gate, between forces loyal to the city of Peltarch and forces of the traitor and attempted assassin, Talbot Anderson. It would seem that multiple waves of former defenders whose bodies had been half-turned into some sort of chimeric clockwork monstrosities were repeatedly sent to assault the walls.

    Their commander, who many might recognize as Talbot's right-hand-man Carl Tusker, was heard to urge the city's defenders to give up the recently captured Jean Taschereau as well as "the halfling". Which halfling he specifically meant is not entirely clear, although Roslyn Underhill - the halfling detective and philanthropist who had been temporarily conscripted into the guard for this battle - seemed to indicate that she was the one he was referring to.

    A stout defense of the gate, led by former Talbot inner circle member Sally Williams and spearheaded by Anna Blake, Leena Rayfe, Gnarl Horst, and Kaitlyn Marceline Feebleheart held the gate admirably while Ros Underhill, Whisper, Isolde Garibaldi, Artemis, and Corwin Ashire provided assistance from range. While there were several close calls, it appears the wall's defenders suffered a few minor injuries, but no deaths.

    Meanwhile, a veritable mountain of dead and injured clockwork troops was all that Tusker's attack managed to achieve.

    Following the battle, Sally Williams was heard to remark that she'd be seeing what could be done to resurrect some of the poor clockwork men and return them to some semblance of their normal lives. Meanwhile, the city's defenders retired to the commons for a well earned breather.