Ode to a Wannabe Queen

  • @fbeead5881=MCPlay:

    This song began circulating through Peltarch, though none know exactly who wrote it or how it started its spread

    10. Ode to a Wannabe Queen

    The day that gave Elisa birth,
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Eternal source of flies & grime
    With double stench thy armpits display
    And with distinguish'd sweaty shine
    To add some nausea to this day

    The day that gave Elisa birth,
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Let all the demons race with joy,
    Their wonted homage sickly pay,
    Whilst towering in the darkened sky
    They celebrate this accursed day,

    The day that gave Elisa birth,
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Let flocks and herds their lives forget
    Lions and wolves refuse their prey
    And all in disgusted consort meet
    Made nauseated by this rancid day.

    The day that gave great Elisa birth
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Let roving mercenaries their gladness show
    With rough pushes whilst they play
    And in their wild meanders flow
    Rejoicing in her renowned cave.

    The day that gave Elisa birth
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Kind Sharess descends on downy wings
    Dock workers conduct her on the way.
    T'our glorious Whoregarth new life she'd bring
    But her belly can't swell with all the use to this day.

    The day that gave great Elisa birth
    In a shack covered in filth.

    Let shame then conceal her head
    And blasted faction glide away.
    No more her hissing tongues we'll dread
    Secure in this auspicious day.
    The day we saw Elisa Whoregarth go away.


    Commissioned by Vera, singer song write of Sharess.

    Rumors begin to trickle about of ridiculousness of the Queen 'race' Scattered parchments of the song drift through the streets, attached to the bottom confirms the writer of the 'Ode' to be one of the Bardic colleges own Vera. It seems the rumours of the race getting so heated that the other 'contestants' seem fit to resort to base slander and endorsed by the college at that.

    Post moved from 'Tales by the Fire' by Ceiling Cat for easier RPing.

  • The Gnomish Bard happens upon one of the parchments:

    "What? Sharess? Since when? Also, I never sign my stuff. Obvious fake signature alert!"