The execution of Kalista Mel'far

  • At the noon hour, a woman is dragged by two guards as a herald takes the stand, and announces loud and clearly

    Here stands Miss Kalista Mel'far. Having been found guilty of the charge of conspiracy to commit a murder by the State of Peltarch in a Court of Law presided by our fair Magistrate Sir Shannon D'Arneau. It has been concluded that Miss Mel'far's actions were malicious and self-interested in plotting and setting up the death of Miss Lavrina Horts.

    Therefore, Miss Kalista Mel'far has been sentenced to death by beheading, to take place at the noon hour of the tenth day. That is, here and now.

    The man looks aside to the executioner

    Please proceed, may the gods have mercy on miss Mel'far.

    Although the woman yells and repeatedly curses all of those present, whether they had anything to do with her sentence or not, the professional executioner proceeds without much ritualism raising a massive axe over his head to drop it dryly and abruptly across the woman's neck, in a well trained, clean cut that lops her head off into the bucket that had been previously prepared to contain it. After that, a couple of Peltarch employees step in to clean up the scene and take the body to the morgue, concluding the event.