Farmer's Plight

  • ((1. Send me PM. I have very specific ideas of what I want to see there.

    2. Find out IC.))

  • Legion

    //captain fail. that was supposed to be a PM. Sorry.

  • _Slowly work begins at the southern fields. Workers of the Onion Union begin cutting down trees to make room for fields. Some start cleaning up the ruins of the old guard tower.

    Thom Tiller is nowhere to be seen at the moment. It's rumored he's visiting the General, who's still being treated in the Temple of Tyr._

  • Legion

    With the war over, Marty begins to renew her efforts to the south and west of Peltarch. Organizing agricultural folk as well as worshipers of nature gods.

  • Legion

    *_Marty persuades as many farmers, worshipers of nature gods, and as many women as she can, to join her for a “prayer meeting” out on the scorched southern fields.

    She marches up onto the top of a hill just south of Peltarch’s gates, overlooking the scorched earth. She raises her hands and her voice;_

    ALL ye GODS – ALL who value JUSTICE! ALL who are patrons of NATURE! CHAUNTEA! SHEELA PERYROYL! makes druidic genuflection SILVANUS! ALL OF YE! BEAR WITNESS TO THIS! motions toward the blackened fields JERRICK hear our voice! BEHOLD this BLASPHEMY against your will! BEAR WITNESS to this DESECRATION of your WORK! This ABOMINATION committed not only against the people of Peltarch, but against YE ALL!


    PROTECT them!

    EMPOWER them!

    STIR UP their HEARTS to be VALIANT!

    And upon the one’s who fight against your will –





    AMEN and AMEN!

  • Legion

    *nods as she talks, but at one point in her speech Marty mumbles, *

    "Onion Union?" … whatever.

    At the end of the speech Marty punches the air and shouts,


  • Anna would address them after.

    "For your safety, we will not be able to start development south just yet, but know that we're working damn hard to make the areas outside of city walls a safe place to be. As of now, our defenders have put foot to gnoll arse and we have been working hard to take our roads back, take our river back, so we can transport goods and keep you guys safe! The Onion Union's voice has been heard! Now we must trust our defenders, who are out there, fighting for us, to help work and keep us safe!"

    She gives pause… then decides to play into the mob a little, offering some further inspiration and support.

    "The Onion Union will be successful, we will have more fertile land to develop soon. Chauntea is with us, the city is with us, Senators Talindra and Maria are now with us and will work diligently to get what we need done to make the Peltarch farmlands the envy of not only Norwick, but Damara and Rashemen as well! There's a reason why we're called the Jewel of Narfell! Its people like you!"

  • Some of the eager people in the crowd start yelling: "Down with the senate, down with the senate!"

    They are promptly smacked to the back of the head though as Tal continues her talk, and the Onion Union members are seen nodding to each other, mumbling in agreement. Then, a man runs in from the commons:

    "Guys! Did ye hear?! The Tresher's out of the clink in two days!"

    _The crowd erupts into cheers, rejoicing for the 'victory' and leaving Tal without answer on whether she should resign or not.

    Far in the background, Magistrate Borodin is seen observing the mob. She nods briefly at Talindra before making her exit._

  • _Senator Talindra Verados was seen wandering the streets with Thomas the Tresher. The two spoke quietly as they walked into the foothills then down to the southern pass by the old watch tower, spending an hour or more out there. Both came back to the city and Thomas was escorted by the Senator back to the Gaol where he awaits trial for his charges.

    A short time later, dressed in her Senatorial robes Talindra heads to the rant stand to address any people who will listen._

    Good people of the Jewel!

    You are correct, too long has the Senate been quiet and I am equally as guilty in that and therefore if you so wish it, I will resign my position immediately. An apology will not be sufficient here, you shall decide my fate.

    Before I go though, I will address the matter of this farmland to the south. The Tresher will stand trial for what crimes he committed and after that, he will be brought in to address the Senate again, with you beside him. I hope it will be a quick trial and we can tend to this matter as quickly as possible. I will be speaking to the Magistrate immediately about him.

    Until such a time, I ask that we all keep clear heads and continue to look forward to a peaceful and bright future.

    Long live the Jewel.

    Keeping her words short and simple she glides down from the stand and heads towards the Temple, being sure to answer any possible questions or concerns they might have still.

    ((24 persuade or so and a charisma of 28.. if that matters.

  • The crows turns visibly angrier when she calls the Tresher's jailing rightful thing to do - even if it was the case, perhaps this is not the right moment to say such things. Regardless, as the night sets upon them they begin to scatter and go to their homes.

  • Legion


    "Free the Tresher!"

    Woah folks! Thresher is in the cooler, and rightly so. Nothing unfair about that.

    We're not going to get anything sorted standing here on the street. How about we meet out west in the walled area in a tenday? Thom will be out by then, and we'll have our thoughts sorted out.

  • Some people cry out from the crowd

    "The Onion union won't negotiate before they free Thom"

    "Free the Tresher!"

    The night begins to set, and it is likely the mob will soon disperse

  • Whispering in Marty's ear. "Well said but… lets take it one step at a time. We don't want a people versus the city scenario going on."

    Addressing any of the senators or citizens that might be present at the time of Marty's rousing speech, she looks to them with, a smile on her face and in confident demeanor.

    "We must work together and we must make a significant effort to unify and help ensure that due process is accelerated in regards to agricultural means. Narfell is by far not the most fertile place, and honestly now that Peltarch has been blessed, we produce the most food in the region. This is not a threat, but a realization, that it would be honestly unwise to bite the hand that feeds this city. Cooperation with diligence on both sides is a must."

    She makes a gesture to the farmers that would have gathered to pay attention.

  • The speech is generally taken with positive response, however there's some confusion among others when she speaks of nobility - as the senate's not generally considered nobility. Still, the flow of the speech as well as the promise of their own land soon takes over any thoughts about such minor matters, and the peasants soon start chanting:

    "Union, union, union!"

    A confused bunch at the very far corner of the crowd start their misheard version:

    "Onion, onion, onion!"

    The two versions soon mix and a rhything chant fills the commons:

    "Onion union, onion union, onion union!"

    The guards look at mob warily, but no order to attack is given.. yet.

  • Legion

    Marty was in the public gallery peacefully observing the drama. She follows the guards out and watches as they take Thom to the prison. She is in the back of the crowd when the priestess of Chauntea Anna speaks up:

    "We can't be rash about this. It's been a wait, but bursting in aggressively will not help our cause. I promise as one who grew up here as a land owner, a farmer, and a priestess of the people, that I'll do my very best, working along side former senator Marty, to make this happen!"

    Marty perks up a bit at the mention of her name. She is about to speak when one of the other farmers in the group speaks up,

    "It's always a wait with the senate! Each damn senate! We vote them in and they start bathing in gold and don't even bother actively voting on matters! They should resign if they can't dedicate the bloody time to listen to us! "

    Marty clears her throat as she climbs atop of the wall that encircles the commons.

    "Aye, they should all resign!"

    "MAYBE THEY SHOULD?" Marty calls out above the crowd, "Maybe they shouldn't? Resign'n before your term's up is really for each of them to decide not us. What IS ours to do is to UNITE! To get it done!" Marty takes on a serious tone, "C'mon folks. We're not some cranky, lawless rabble here! Chauntea herself has blessed our hills! We are the ones who now seek to bring that blessing to the people of Peltarch. If the Senate has no interest in this matter so be it! Lets look to our brave Defenders as our example, who under their own initiative drove the orc out of our territory! Did they have a mandate from the senate to do this?". Marty shrugs "I have no idea. But what I do know is that they didn't wait for folks upstairs in City Hall to give them permission to do what they had in their hearts to do!

    "In the same way we, the ones who seek to till the land, should determine to have one mind and heart about this! Let us unite to make sure that those who work the land profit from the land! Let us work together to make sure that our city is blessed by the land, to ensure the prosperity of our families, and to make sure that the greedy, the opportunistic, the selfish, and those who falsely call themselves "noble" have no more part in this matter than they should! Those who DO NOTHING are sure to GET NOTHING! What we have is determined by our DEEDS, not our BLOODLINE!

    Marty gets a bit more passionate. "SO brothers and sisters! From this day forward let us be one! Let none till or sow without the rest, and let none be idle while others toil! From this day forward let us be known as err The AGRICULTURAL uh UNION! That's RIGHT! AGRICULTURAL UNION! Because I'm giving it to you straight brothers and sisters, the only way forward is TOGETHER!

    ((Persuade ranks 19 without magical buffs if anyone cares about that kind of thing.))

  • While Thom is not around to comment anymore, having been dragged to jail to cool his head, some of the other farmers are still visibly upset.

    It's always a wait with the senate! Each damn senate! We vote them in and they start bathing in gold and don't even bother actively voting on matters! They should resign if they can't dedicate the bloody time to listen to us!

    Another one intervenes

    Aye, they should all resign!