The Teachings of Elvewyn Di'Mastine

  • Greetings, and well met.

    "All knowledge must be shared", Master Melwasúil always said. "If you do not share with others what little experiences you have lived, you will forever have a limited perspective of what happened to you in that moment. And if you are limited by yourself, you will never understand what lies beyond."

    For this reason, I am now writing these words. They are nothing but the teachings of the Old Order, as they were passed on to me by my master, measured with a little of my own techniques. To all who would read this, take heed: My path is but an example. How you choose to live your life is your choice, and no one else's.
    My method is based around four (or five) essential pillars, which are the foundation of a truly enlightened being:

    1. Discipline;
    2. Awareness of Self:
    2.1 Awareness of Mind;
    2.1 Awareness of Body;
    3. Impermanence;
    4. Awareness of Others.

    Throughout this small collection of thoughts, I hope to guide you along one of the many possible ways to a true understanding of who you are and who are in fact capable of doing, once you go past the limitations you have unwittingly placed upon yourself.

  • After you have established your schedule, and achieved balance through Discipline, your training can start.

    A good way to begin is by strengthening the mind. While it may prove to be qute difficult in the first few days, soon you shall see that some of the routines I will explain later will come naturally to you.

    But what is the mind? How can I force it under my control?

    The answer is simple: You cannot. While the mind is only a tool, much like your body, you are not able to bend it under your will, for it dictates your thoughts, and thus it always controls you. But that does not mean you cannot train it to only produce the desired outcomes. Cleanse yourself of impure thoughts, by understanding that nothing is barred to you, but there are things you do not need.

    Because it was built for efficiency, unnecessary thoughts taking room in your mind are purged, so if you identify all that is good for yourself, your mind will purge all that is bad.

    This knowledge is critical, for through it, you will be able to use your mind and leave the flesh dimensions behind. But beware child. For sanity is often the toll that leads to the core of your soul.

    The key here is to see past the illusions of the world, to achieve true understanding of what your mind is capable of and to harness that power to propel yourself ever forward.

    But a word of warning for the over eager: The Quest for nexus has brought many men of genius to insanity, and this quest is never over.

  • A good way to begin your training, is to establish a schedule for yourself, and always follow it.

    The Monastery awakens at 5h30, chants to strengthen the soul for two hours, eats breakfast at 7h30, studies to strengthen the mind for 20 minutes, then fights to strengthen the body for two other hours.

    At 11h, the Monastery eats. Then it rests for one hour.

    After that, two hours are devoted to the soul, another two to the body, and yet another two for the mind.

    At 18h, the Monastery eats. Then it rests for one hour.

    Finally, another cycle of one hour for body, soul and mind.

    At 22h, the Monastery sleeps.

    Every day this repeats. Every day young students complain of its strict rule. Every day they learn that without discipline, they will accomplish nothing. Every day they accept their place, and they understand.

    Learn Discipline first. Then the path will open itself to you.

  • In order for you to achieve your goals, whatever they may be, you will need discipline.

    Discipline is more than a state of mind, than willing yourself out of your bedding every morning, than being pushed down and still remaining up.

    Discipline is understanding that everything has its place in the world, but also understanding YOUR place in it. This can manifest itself in the ways I have described above: You are meant to be standing up no matter what punishment you take, you are meant to be awake at a certain time, you are meant to exercise your body in a certain way, et cetera, et cetera.

    Without this, you will never be able to reach your highest potential. Remember however, that having discipline does not mean you cannot have idle moments as well, that you cannot simply enjoy the wonders of the world as they are shown to you.

    One who understands the true meaning of discipline, will know that there is enough time in a lifetime to see all that which matters the most to oneself.