The Wyrd of Peace

  • \ I hate to open with an OOC note, but I feel I need to. As a way to keep people involved some RP that is going on around a certain event, I felt a plot thread might help. Those who've been involved, feel free to post.//


    _After the Guardian's fragile apparition took it's leave from peltarch's commons, Those left to ponder his words were left wondering as to thier' meaning. For Ysolde, the blocks fell into place so sweetly that she feared she had been too long amongst the cultivated automaton. But as the group began to mobilise thier' ascent towards the pass, they were not so dead set that her words regarding the 'Lady of Peace' were brushed aside.

    The thought that she might have been very wrong and thus made to be the fool never crossed her mind, something burning deep inside her soul called to her, told her that she was being set upon the right path. It would have seemed that would have however, been her fate as they descended to the calm waters of Eldath's pool. But the fire within her never died, she knew that she was right and worse… she knew they were not alone. Soon thier' questions were answered by chaos from above.

    As the party emerged from the cavern's mouth, they were assaulted by the very earth around them. Moving of it's own volition and attacking with a wild ferocity that nearly killed Ysolde herself when caught by the constricting tentacles. Axe fell and Sword sang, and for this once she was thankful not everyone shared her oaths. Tracked to the depths of a nearby sea cave, as the last of the constructs were slain, she felt the disturbance fade. Assuring the others, they made thier' way each to thier' own._

    Protect The Lady of Peace

    _In the days after the attack, Ysolde made it her point to talk to some of those who helped fight off the first assault, Warning them of the dangers that the realm would face if Eldath's cavern were to be overrun. With the balance tipped so far, it would not be able to handle as she saw it, the retreat of Eldath from the realm. The warrior monk Shallyah, was her greatest surprise, a warrior of her like helping as she has to protect a lady of peace, the pacifist herself.

    In what time she doesn't spend trying to enlist additional aid, and work with her pyres for a glimpse of what might be to come. She maintains a vigil inside the cavern, Thankful of any who should take thier' own time to help. When not able to stay vigil herself, her shadow takes her place. Unawares to the other watchers_.

  • Some nights Ysolde is seen gathering driftwood from the beach, to build a single large pyre on the cliff's edge. Stoking it till it glows with a crimson radiance, she begins to chant in a melodic voice. Her words of the light gifted by fire to the world, of the warm embrace and redeeming qualities of fire. Seeming to do her part in keeping what lurks in the dark at bay…. for now.

  • Enlisted by Ysolde, Chea went to the cave and promised to guard it from threats when she has time. She keeps doing so, meditating and guarding surroundings in spare time (every evening).