Raryldor of Corellon's Campaign

  • The day after the Gala, Raryldor takes to the Rant stand to address the people.

    Citizens of Peltarch, I have walked amongst you for more than two hundred years, and I have shared with your triumphs and your losses. And yet, there are jackals in our ranks, jackals named Carlos & Daughters, jackals who would do whatever it takes to make some gold, regardless of the cost to this fair city.

    I have seen them slur others, and of course, as soon as I joined the election campaign I KNEW they would slur me as well with filthy words, twisting the truth into a parody that tells the story THEY want you to hear, so that you'll vote for who they want without the freedom to decide for yourself.

    YES! I fought against N'jast, tooth and claw, until they were defeated. I stood on your walls, I fought in the pass, and I bled for this land. Can Carlos or his daughters say that?

    YES! I fought for Jiyyd, until it was lost. The enemy was vast, so vast that we knew without some act of divine providence or a new, unknown element on our side we would lose. We fought anyway, to make them pay for every single inch of land they took, and to give the people of Narfell more time to escape, to prepare, to defend and fight.

    YES! I was one of the few who went into Jiyyd after it was lost and detonated the Old Empire Device. We had no idea what it do, except that it would end the war, one way or the other. Peltarch was almost lost… Jiyyd was enemy territory, and Norwick had remained neutral to protect the refugees... desperate times call for desperate measures.

    YES! That one act broke the back of the N'jast army, sending them running for home. They lost thousands, we lost a little land which we've since enveloped in a protective barrier so that none of the fiends drawn to that cursed place can escape. But in return? Look around you! Peltarch was rebuilt and has grown now to a city of twenty thousand people, one of the largest city in the north of Faerun.

    But ask yourself this... why are Carlos & Daughters so eager to paint me as a villain? Is it just gold they're after, or something more? Perhaps they work for the enemy, and this gold is simply a pass-time for them, perhaps they want to weaken the Senate so that their paymasters can sweep in and take the city unopposed? Wouldn't you want to weaken your enemy before you commit your forces?

    Carlos is a fiend in human skin, and his daughters are no better. Heed not their words, and give them not your attention, or you'll be doing the enemy's work for him.

    You don't have to vote for me in this election, but you SHOULD vote for whoever you believe will do the best job for Peltarch, and NOT for who Carlos & Daughter would have you believe is the best for the job. Listen to each candidate! Decide for yourself! Be your own people!

    And if you want to ask me about why I'm standing for the Senate, you only need to ask.

  • Raryldor throws a Venetian masqued invitation ball, inviting prominent merchants, prominents elves, priests of Lliira, Waukeen and Sune, bards, and other prominent cultural and mercantile figures. Fine masks are provided to revellers attending the ball, as well as copious amounts of wine and other libations.

    <e>Esteemed brothers and sisters of the Jewel, may I have your attention for a moment please?</e>

    Raryldor smiles genuinely to the crowd gathered – he addressed the crowd in elven, providing translators with singsong voices as needed.

    _<e>It's an honor to have you here today! Thank you all for attending.

    I'd like to speak to you for a moment about trade in our fair City. We have two separate entities here in the Jewel, the Searfarers and the Wavebreakers, available to aid us with the transport of trade, yet we seem limited in the wares we offer our citizens.

    As your Senator, one of the important issues I'd like to see enacted is the opening of trade to other cultures and lands. As of now, our fine merchants…. you... are limited in what you have to offer the people of the Jewel in wares. In particular, while we have access to the Silver Valley and the Dwarven hold, there is not a sizeable elven community in our vicinity that we may engage in beneficial trade with. I wish to see those limitations stripped from our fine merchants so that they might offer a diverse variety of items to our public.

    Opening trade with foreign lands would not only benefit our community culturally, providing for the electic needs of all within, but would also benefit you, our fine merchants, in increasing the number of customers our City retains. Currently, many of our citizens must travel to other towns and areas to purchase items of foreign design and make. Why? We have the means to offer any make of item we wish, naturally within the limit of the Law. We should be trading with foreign lands, our own wares seen in their market places while our shops are boasting a wide variety of wares as well.

    Increased trade in unusual goods provides benefits beyond financial prosperity – as our fair city becomes a haven of culture in this once desolate land, I see our city growing as a central hub for the arts, increasing our culture manifold, and increasing the standard of living for all throughout.

    Let's open our fair City to the diverse culture it holds. Let's be a leading example in trade. Let's open our shops and market places to a wide range of items that will keep our residents here for their needs!

    Thank you for your time and attendance here. I look forward to hearing each of your thoughts on the matter as the gala carries on.</e>_

    Raryldor bows formally, and with a warm smile, rejoins the revellers in their merrymaking.

  • Posters go up:


    The Bomber

    In the closing days of the N'Jast War, two people recklessly traveled to Jiyyd. There, they detonated an old Empire device.

    The lands, as you know, was flooded with demons of all descriptions. Jiyyd remains lost and uninhabitable to this day.

    One of these two people was Raryldor.