Richard Hardin's Campaign (CANCELLED)

  • After a very rousing speech by Chadwick Whyte, Richard Hardin takes to the stage with his father, the now retired Senator.

    ((OOC: To make things clearer, Richard's speech will be in brown, Wesley's speech will be in dark blue))

    Well, thankyou Chadwick for your enthusiastic words, you've done a great job of getting everyone fire up for me.

    Seriously though folks, Chadwick Whyte, the man who would be king, if he had his way. D'you remember, he ran in the last election too?

    Oh yeah! What happened there?

    He didn't get in… he blames it on the death of the great Kastor Lavindo. What kind of man blames his own shortcomings on the death of a great man, a man who was a true son of the Jewel?

    Not a man I'd vote for! You didn't vote for him last time, don't vote for him this time.

    Well then, who should the people vote for?

    How about someone with a plan for Peltarch?

    Who's got a plan for Peltarch though?

    I DO! I'm Richard Hardin, and this is my father, Wesley Hardin. He served Peltarch faithfully as a Senator for many, many years, and has chosen at this time to step down, and let a younger generation come in to steer our fair city to where we want it to be in the decades to come.

    I've seen how a city is run. I know how to work with diplomats, how to manage the books to keep things going, and I know how to ensure that the Jewel is brought into the years to come with a bright future ahead of it.

    I have a plan for Peltarch, and I have a dream. A dream of a city where every man is judged not by the contents of his wallet, but by his character and by what he contributes to society. I can't bring this dream to reality on my own, so I need you all to work with me to see it happen.

    Vote for me, for Richard Hardin. Vote for experience and youth in the one man, vote for hope for a brighter future. Vote for a dream, for THE dream.

    His speech seems to get a more subdued response that Chadwicks, although the witty repartee at the beginning of it certainly works to cut the ice. At the end of it, the crowd seems to be more thoughtful than fired up… whether that is a good thing or a bad thing though, remains to be seen.

  • With Richard's campaign in tatters after only a few days, he silently but swiftly pulls out of the race, just as fast as he entered it.

  • _Gnomish lollipops are handed out, each stamped with the motto: DON'T BE A SUCKER! HARDIN THE LESSER - UNFIT FOR THE JOB.

    Several of the city's more cheeky urchins, suckers in hand, play 'Richard Hardin making a speech' outside the Wavebreakers' Guild until some of the occupants emerge and chase them away.

    The Seafarers, by contrast, seem to love them._

  • Posters go up across the city. They show an exasperated-looking Wesley Hardin and a vacant-eyed, beaming, youthful Richard Hardin holding a lollipop.


    Richard: "Am I a Senator yet, Dad?"
    Wesley:"Not yet you cretin, just keep smiling at people and telling em your name's Hardin."