*Unlike Grobbles previous stories and drawings, this story is written with a quill onto good quality parchment with semi decent penmanship. *
_A story by Grobble of Norwick,
Servant of the Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak.One upon the times was the goblin who's name is being Grobble.
Grobble did the staying alive while in goblin country by the being smart. He did the surrending to the hoomuns and became slave to the Ghost Lady Val.
Although slave not really. Val was not doing the beat to grobble or the whip. Val did say that was better to be free. She explain that being free is to ROAM. Grobble liked the words of the Ghost Lady Val when she did the talk about ROAM.
One day, while in prison of Ghost Lady Val, the goblin who's name is being Grobble decided to be doing the smart to be doing the roam and not in Ghost Lady dungeon anymore. With the smart Grobble did make the cunning plan of being sick. He was good at the making of snot, and oh such snot did he make! He sleeps during day when Ghost Lady's soldiers were not around, and during night did much gargling of snot and the coughing of snot. More and more did the snot become the annoyance to the Ghost Lady's soldiers! After being sick a long time, Grobble did the rolling up spare blanket and put it under blanket to make look like the grobble.
Grobble stopped the snot and was doing the quiet and hide. With quietness Ghost Lady's soldiers did the thinking that Grobble was dead. When the soldier opened door the the cell to look at the body of grobble in the bed, Grobble did sneak out through the door and up the stairs. The Ghost Lady soliders were having much anger at thinking that the blanket was Grobble but was not being the real Grobble, and began to be looking for the Grobble to catch him. He did hide in the store room with the darkness and many boxes. Oh so many boxes filled with wonderful things!
The soldiers were doing the look everywhere for Grobble, but Grobble used the being smart to not be found by them. But he could not be walking out the door because the guard always was watching the door with his eyes and with the holding of a very large axe for the chopping of grobble. So grobble did the smart by taking some food and hiding in the garbage barrel. He was knowing that the garbage can would be taken out for the emptying. So he waited. Oh so long did he wait. He did need to go to the toilet in the can he did wait so long. But had food so was not too bad as it would have been if he did not have the food and was getting the hunger. Was also food in garbage barrel.
A long time later the soldier of Ghost Lady was doing the take of the garbage barrel to tip out into the river. Grobble was tipped out into river with the garbage. Soldier who was doing the tipping see grobble doing the swim in the water to the other side. Was dwarf with heavy metal armour so could not do the swim to catch the grobble. So he was doing the run to the bridge to get to the other side of the river where grobble was doing the swim to. Grobble did run to the woods and hide behind the tree. The Dwarf soldier of the Ghost Lady did run past grobble to keep looking for him south, so grobble did run north.
The Grobble did then ROAM. Oh such ROAMING did the Grobble do! But with many dangers in the land Grobble did find some cloth to be making the white flag for the waving and the making of surrender. Grobble did get lost in the woods but did not care much. He did the loving of the ROAM and the seeing of new things.
He did see a badger. Grobble did the kill and eat of the badger!
He did see a very large spider. Oh such running did the Grobble do away from that spider!
He did see the massive human army at the crossroad! With the sneaky getting away did the grobble not be captured by that army!
He did see the the Fee Male hooman who was doing the kill to a wolf. Grobble did the waving of the flag to surrender to the fee male. She was giving the grobble the mercy and saying that she does worhip to Torm. Grobble says that he be the slave to the Torm Fee Male, but she did say that is better to be dead than to be the slave. Grobble did not want to be killed so was not slave to that fee male. She did saying that the Grobble should go north to Norwick.
OH YES! Oh terrible Norwick… back in the hands of the hoomans now! Fortress city that sends so many terrible hoomans to kill the goblins and the bugbears! Oh Norwick! The heart of the Grobble did tremble when he did get close to her terrifying gates! But if Grobble could do the living in Norwick, then would be safe from those trying to do the kill to grobble.
The Grobble was brave and waved his mighty white flag for the making of surrender to the giant hoomans who guarded the gates. Some were giving the mercy because of the waving of the white flag for the making of surrender, but some were giving the anger to grobble. One did grab the grobble and put him in its dungeon. Oh the dungeon, so close to the terrible Hall of Norwick where the dreaded overlords did their plotting! In the dungeon they did the talking mean and asking of questions to the grobble for the knowing of important information. They then call for the Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak! Oh Dwin! Such terror did he bring with him into the dungeon! The grobble was brave with the doing of surrender and pleading and begging to the Dwin not to be getting the kill from him. The grobble did tell -_ (a large part of the paragraph has been scribbled out from this point) _- it eats the tongue that tells secrets.
The Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak did give the Grobble Mercy. He did make Grobble kneel and swear to serve the Dread Overlord by the swearing on his mighty axe Goblin's Bane. Grobble did swear to be the best servant to Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak ever at the exclusion of being the servant to others unless the Dread Overlord does say so. So Grobble did swear by Goblin's Bane to always be the best servant to The Dread Overlord Dwin Dolvak, and the Dread Overlord did give the title Grobble of Norwick to Grobble and did give him a token for the making of him not dead with the showing of the token.
And oh such service did the Grobble give! The Dread Over Lord does not like the slave so is giving the Grobble two gold coins for the making of Employee! The Dread Overlord puts Grobble in his house amongst many other Dwarf and from that day Grobble of Norwick was always doing the clean and the cook and -_ (scribbled out) _- It eats the tongue that tells secrets.
And Grobble of Norwick is living happily ever after.
Grobble was too uncomfortable to sleep, but a wide smile stretched across his face. His large, round shield was on top of him, serving as a cumbersome and ineffective blanket. He resorted to singing himself to sleep.
"Oh sheeeeeeeeeeld…..
I likes to feeeeeeeeeeled....
I always wieeeeeeeeeeeld...
Makes hin and monster yieeeeeeeeeeld...
I won't get ... peeeeeeeeeeeled....
Or ever be keeeeeeeeeeeeeled .....
In the fieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeld of battle ...
Like tha farmer's cattle.
It's nice doesn't rattle....."He stood up, his singing increasing in volume.
Oh yees I have a SHEEEEEELD!
Fee males wish to do BREEEEEEEEEEED with the Grobble!
Holds the hands with the Grobble!
Be the shee slaaaves to the GROBBLE!
'Cause he has the SHEEEEEEEED!"Standing on the bench, Grobble held shield toward the ceiling, now singing at the top of his voice.
Ghost lady gived tha SHEEEEEEEELD!
The scheeching sound of metal on metal echoed through the Legion prison as gaoler opened outer door to the cell area*
Shield wield field SHEEEEEEEEELD!
Shield sheeld sheeld SHEE-"Grobble's song was brought to an abrupt and merciful end as the Legion private on duty brought his warhammer crashing down on the door of Grobble's cell.
"Shut tha FARK UP!"
using crayons and paper provided by Val
((I wish we had a "Like" button for some posts! This was a funny way to start the morning…though the phrase "bursting boils" made me wretch a wee bit.))