Belthor BattleMail

  • (alt) Login: SquirrelMaster
    Character: Belthor BattleMail

    Beourn, Son of Belthor

    After escaping the exhausting life of a poor family living under the clerics of Abbathor, Belthor put his skills from a century of mining in the harsh northern tundra to work mining metals for the Luskan crafters. No longer suppressed by his avaricious clan, He prospered for many years selling minerals and watching his son, Beourn, grow into an honorable soldier. After forty years had passed, Belthor had become warden of the mining company and Beourn had decided to set off to Narfell for a life of adventure. Belthor, busy running the mining company, reluctantly said farewell to his sword wielding son.

    Nearly a decade has passed without word from Beourn. Belthor, yearning to see his son again, gave up his position as warden and gathered his belongings. It was time to make the trip to Narfell; time to see his son again.

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