Pherdur Kelm

  • 1. Height- 6"
    2. Weight- 87Kg
    3. Skin Tone- White, slightly bronzed
    4. Skin Texture- Couple of scars, one on his chin and just below his right eye, though they arent hugely noticeable
    5. Eyes- Blue
    6. Hair- Blonde, medium length
    7. Accent - Generally well spoken English
    8. Recognizable Features- Piercing blue eyes, could be classed as relatively good looking.
    9. Commonly spoken languages- Common
    10. Race- Human
    11. Equipment Worn- Weilds a two handed sword, blue and gold armour and a cloak with the symbol of Torm imprinted onto the back.
    12. Equipment Carried-
    13. Left Handed or Right Handed - Right
    14. Jewlery or Decorations- Pendant of Toem
    15. Relatives- Amadir Kelm, Father… Location unknown
    16. Body Build- Quite muscular, though not exactly the most flexible of people.