* A knock on the Selunite Temple's door*

  • Knocking on the door, Mooncandy looks to seek the attention of any members present. If one should open, she would softly ask:

    "Excuse me… Moon's been working at the orphanage for a very long time and been trying her best to be a good follower of MOonmaiden, but she does wish to truly try and become more, yes. Moon is practicing how to use the heavy mace as She does, and Moon is doing her best to live up to Her dogma.

    Moon can't do it alone though, she need guidance from a priest or priestess. Moon love Aelthas s.. so much just she see he always busy with kids, friends, or family to help Moon along. She collapses to her hands and knees, clasping her hands

    Cannot do it alone anymore... I need help. Moon need a priest or priestess to show moon all the rituals, what one must do to become the best Selunite one must be. I am your protectors, I am your friend, and I am your faithfuls. I do my best to live by her dogma every day... but is not enough.

    Help Mara, please.

  • After waiting for a long while with no response, Mooncandy leaves a small donation in the form of a message