Peltarch Defenders

  • Pieces of parchment are put up around the city and word spreads that the Peltarch Defenders are looking for loyal and honorable men and women to fill the ranks. All positions are open, archers, warriors, spellswords, scouts, sailors and guardsmen are required. All interested applicants are to seek out Staff Sergeant Aelthas Benthur for a interview and a test on ones abilities to find the best placement for them.

    //If anyone is interested in joining the Defenders, you can post here, PM me or meet up IG.

  • Albry, on one of her more regular visits to Peltarch, gazes at one of the parchments for a long moment, a small smile creeping onto her lips before she goes off in search of Aelthas.

  • Hammer regards one of the parchments with interest, taking it along with him.