Weather and Water

  • _A severe, unseasonable storm bears down out of the icelace in the wake of Ronan's 'all is well' speech, sinking several returning refugee ships and drowning the passengers.

    The typhoon and a large cresting wave head straight for the city, only to veer away at the last possible minute due to an equally strange weather front from the south. The result is the only damage to the city proper comes to the ODS cog's docks, which get quite battered for some reason and one hurled ashore and beached._

  • Having returned to Peltarch after the disaster subsides, colourful gastrognome Perriwig P. Doubleday surveys the scene at the docks and cheers and claps as the barge of tarts sets out on its ruby-hued promenade across the contested water. Turning to his gnomish companion, Gilda Haven, Perri points at the damaged docks and the melancholy surf and remarks…

    "Odd's bodkins, Gillie, do you think Ronan Baron RonRon has been cursed and cursed mightily by winking Tymora? "All clear!" - then swoosh - yon nasty billow blew up and sunk those poor souls! Seems he's got all the luck of a halfling who has lost his lucky rabbit's foot, accidentally dropped his fortune down a wishing well, sat on his four leaf clover and smashed in an ancestral mirror using only a particularly baneful and bent golden horseshoe. Poor villain, he. I say, lunchtime! Care for a spot of tea, dearie?"

  • Perchance a defiance against the wicked storm, a few days later a sloop called Love Boat, fabulously decorated and painted pink, is seen leaving Peltarch. The next evening it returns, glowing red with magical lighting in the distance. Lacey Un'drewar and two kara-turrans are seen exiting said boat.

  • ::Mariston surveys the damage, looks heavenward a moment. Sighs heavily and heads to the docks to find the cost of the damage::