How to Join Narfell's IRC Chat Room
edit by tpickles: the narfell community now uses discord as a chat service accessible via the following link
We use a system called Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for our chat room. There are numerous programs that allow you to access these chatrooms.
[The Java Chat Applet
The quick and easy way of joining our chat room;1. Click the blue button under the website header which says 'Chat'
That takes you here:
2. Click, "Go to Chat!'
3. Choose a nickname and type it in the box
4. Click 'Login'](e4a8741cdb) How to log in to IRC with an IRC Client
There are numerous IRC Clients. Here were are giving the instructions for using MIRC.Step 1.
Go to and download mIRC in what country is closest to yours.
Step 2.
When opening the program you will see this screen.
Real Name: write something rubbish
E-Mail: write something rubbish
Nick Name: Make up a character alias to use on the chat system
Alternate: If someone else is already using the Nick Name you you've chosen on IRC, you will be known by this alternate name instead.Step 3.
Push Connect on the listing to your left and choose servers (as seen in the image above)
Push Add and write in the following information as above ** being the server.
Push Ok and try and connect to the server
Step 4.
When Connected to the server you should get this screen pop up
Type in #Narfell and push Join.
Alternatively you can close the window and type /join #Narfell
Once you are in the chatroom there should be plenty of people to help you further with things such as registering a nickname.
Registering your nickname
If you plan to continuously use a certain nickname, it makes sense to register it so no-one can use it in your place. Having a registered nick will also allow you to set up permanent channels for yourself. Your first step will be to register your nickname. Use the following command to do so:
/nickserv register <password><email>secondly, you can set Nick Protection on, which means that after you join Darkmyst again, you have 60 seconds to identify yourself with your password or your nick will be changed to a generic one. This is to prevent people from trying to steal your nickname. The command is the following:
/nickserv set kill on
Afterwards, whenever you join Darkmyst's server, you will have to identify yourself (preferably before you join any channels) by typing the following:
/nickserv identify password
For those wishing to dig deeper into IRC and it's options I suggest you ask around on IRC, read your client's Help files and use the /nickserv help and /chanserv help commands. Always pay attention to your status window, too, for helpful information.
People using mIRC can automate their log on and identification using the following process:
- Menu View -> Options
- Select and expand (+) the Connect option, then select "options" there
- Press the button Perform
- Check the checkbox "enable perform on connect"
- Select "other networks"
Then type the following lines (in the example of Jack here)
@e4a8741cdb:/nick Jack2000
/nickserv identify jacksniftypassword
/join #narfell
/join #narfell_town1
/join #narfell_guild1
ā¦Welcome to IRC!</email></password>**
Bumping again. mIRC is lightweight program that you can have on all the time your computer is on. Makes contacting you easier too.
Bumpity bump. I've noticed many players don't use the IRC chatroom anymore. It does help to increase the feeling of community, even when you're not playing, so I do suggest hopping on there - even if you just idle 24/7. (Because I'm lonely
Bump! If something odd happens (like you get booted or can't log in) and you're looking for an explanation - visit the all knowing IRC room for a fast response.