Shrine to Tempus looted!
It'd seem that whatever is put as offering by the Shrine to Tempus by the old watchtower is being stolen
((But how am I supposed to steal it if its not littered all over the ground? but yah I get rid of it to reduce lag to.))
// that's fine Yerts, we put it there for RP. I wouldn't even mind if there was a trashcan there labelled "gifts for Tempus" or something else that we could use.
//oocly guys when I'm having bad lag and I go by I pick it up and put it in the trash .. my lag goes down
Uljas seems happy - as he thinks someone has needed the weapons and taken them!
Devlin gives about the same reaction.
Everyone pritty much loots the temple. Or at least nothing of value stays there very long. And those moonstones people carelessly leave about in pelt keep dissapearing to.
Was anyone just trying to catch the thief, they'd see an elven archer simply walking through the road, seeing something on the ground and kneeling to pick it up, looks hardly as if he realized there's a shrine at all
Uljas seems happy - as he thinks someone has needed the weapons and taken them!
Maya just shrugs and smiles
Uljas seems happy - as he thinks someone has needed the weapons and taken them!