Oscura Event Night

  • ICC

    Didn't catch the EST time. Tuesdays at 5pm..I might be able to do that, actually. And Zanetar - you're alive?

  • I could do Thursdays at around 9:30 or 10pm EST.

    I can do some Tuesdays at 8pm, if that's what you're set on, but I might also work some Tuesday evenings, in which case I couldn't be around until about 11:30pm EST.

    In any case, a regular Oscura night is ideal for me; I cannot be IG all the time waiting for something to happen. Even given a regular time, sex or money or the possibility of sex or money will always take priority over Narfell. (Is that what being grown up is all about?)

  • ICC

    I'd rather it be a Thursday or Friday night….Mon/Tue/Wed I can't usually attend at all...but that's just me.