Adrian's Campaign

  • After hearing the speech followed by the parade and then some time after hearing the opinion from John at the rant stand, Symone seeks out Adrian to offer him a few pointers with his campaign.

    ((Via PM))

  • The parade

    _A small group of bards from the college plays uplifting music as they follow Adrian around in a walk from the theatre, around the merchant district, and into the commons, pausing occasionally to draw more people with their music. Once there, they find themselves a good public spot and continue playing for a while, before things go quiet and Adrian steps up to talk to whoever is present, relying on the music, oratory skills ((Persuade +19)) and his princely appearance ((charisma 16)), rather than empty gifts, to draw eyes and ears.

    "Good people of Peltarch!
    Who of you can say they do not enjoy excellent music? Or a rousing story? Or an enchanting play?
    These things should be easily available for all to enjoy, not simply the wealthy or priviledged! Of course, there are the bards playing in the street, and Milil bless them for it.. but there is so much more to the arts than that.

    I am sir Adrian Petrarch, knight of the Harmonious Order, and with your aid and vote, I will make the arts more easily accessable for all to learn and enjoy. I will strive to make the artist's life not a continuous financial struggle, but to be recognized as a true profession and treated as such. I will strive for those of the college and theatre, and those independent artists, to receive additional motivations and rewards to create and perform entertainment of only the highest quality, that all may enjoy. Afterall, are these not the things that colour our lives?

    Secondly, I will seek to expand the city's employment of town criers to bring you ever more news from within and without, and I will strive for the creation of a newspaper, so that those without the time to listen to our time criers will still remain well-informed.
    I will strive to expand the town criers to form a true Ministry of Arts and Beautification, including sculptors, writers, carpenters, gardeners and many others, to make our fair city ever more pleasing to the eye and ear. People in far-away places will learn and speak of the wonders and prosperity of our city.. our reputation of enlightenment and civility will increase, and with it will come more trade and prosperity for all.

    Good people, we are moving towards a brighter future than ever, and our city should reflect this. With your support, I will make this city shine as bright as Silverymoon.

    I thank you for your time."

    The minstrels then begin to play their music again, though lighter this time, serving as entertainment for passersby and as background to any questions or discussion that may follow._

  • It would be my pleasure, though I'm afraid I have yet to establish an opinion of much as I am still fairly new here.

  • "Ah, my thanks for your kind words. I will do my utmost not to dissapoint you. If you find the time in the near future, do send word to arrange a meeting, for I would like to hear of your opinon and observations of the city."

  • Symone Au'Etine whom has been speaking with other candidates approaches Adrian outside afterwards.

    A very fine speech, you are thus far the first of all candidates to show that you hold the interest of the city to be top priority, despite you being a man of faith you did not mention that your faith will determine your role as a senator, you display an understanding of the diversity this city holds and your tolerance of it, and as a man with bardic background to some degree I can only guess that you will have a good understanding of how politics work.

    I believe you will be among my top choices for the position, and I hope to see more of your campaign in the coming weeks.

  • Adrian apologizes for disturbing the temple and quickly moves just outside the temple, waiting a while for any other remarks or questions.

  • Adrian is politely informed after his remarks that the Temple is a place of worship and if he wishes to canvass to those who attend, he should do so outside so as not to disturb the faithful. Those in attendance however seemed to approve of his words.