East Rawlins patrol rumours

  • Following an unfortunate caving expedition, Sabre, Pavel, Senria, Arikess and Keira emerged from the caves in the far east and made their way back to town relatively uneventfully.

    Whatever is scaring the goblins in the East is mostly hidden…

    For now...

  • Tala find's Kiera and quietly relays some news from a pack scouting mission to the east woods. Then handing Kiera a bundle covered in leather

    Rilia and several others report mostly normal goblin activity out by the cave mouths. Although to be fair they went during daylight hours and returned quickly.

  • A small patrol returning from the east woods reports that the goblins are still out there, still have 'a sense of humor', and are setting ambushes. Mention is made of a taunting goblin mage and his pet umberhulk, now deceased.


  • News filters through of yet another patrol finding goblin and umberhulk activity still in the east rawlins…with nary a sign of the rumoured tree skulls. Rumour has it the patrol was wolf led, though these rumours are discounted by a local bard.
    "What ? With all the dwarves crashing around ?….Wolf led indeed...." ::snorts::

  • Keira, Rhistin, Senria and Wog return from another patrol. It seems there may be some odd burrow-holes appearing in the Far East. They look too small for Umberhulks.

    Goblin activity still high. Looks like a rearguard of sneaks and casters trying to resist whatever forces of decay still pervade the area.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    The druids are seen increasing the frequency of their patrols through the eastern woods, given that their home is located squarely within it. Indeed, the archdruidess herself leads these more often than not, and takes what apprentices and other willing folk with her as will join….