A sermon

  • _One morning, a group made up of the small group of Chessentan and Narfell Sentinels, Legion and Defender engineers and the wide myriad of blacksmiths, carpenters and other crafters that have had a hand in the weapons, armor, fortifications and siege equipment, slowly forms at the wall closest to Jiyyd.
    Dentin stands at the center of this group, his natural height allowing him to watch all and be watched by all who gather. After those invited have arrived, and other spectators have stopped to see what is happening, he raises his voice and begins to speak.

    "Brothers and Sisters of the Sentinels, Defenders, Legionaires and Crafters and Creators of all races and backgrounds.. I thank you for answering my call today. I know that you are all busy as ever, creating and reinforcing the spine of our defense, and so I will keep this brief. I have called you here to thank you all for the commendable work you have delivered thus far, untiring in your resolve and dedication to create the weapons, armors and tools our combined forces carry into battle, and to raise and maintain the walls, towers and barricades that have kept the orcs and giants at bay, even against the grim odds. What has been accomplished thus far exceeds all our hopes. Not only have we managed to bleed the enemy, we have halted their advance altogether.

    I am truly humbled by your continued works, and proud to have been allowed to work with all of you for this noble goal. The valiance and utter unwillingness to retreat of those in the field will not be forgotten soon, and Tempus has surely favored us here. For that, I give thanks. But this war is more than a clash of steel and blood. For with what would we fight if we had no weapons? What would protect us from the orcs and giants raw, savage strength if we had no armor? How would we smash their positions if we had no catapults? How would we hold back the tide if we had no walls? Make no mistake. As Tempus has blessed the battles that happened, Gond has blessed the hard work that each of you has delivered.

    But do not grow overconfident and lax. Tempus will not fight this war for us, and Gond will not craft our needed items for us. So call the name of the Lord of Craft with every arrow you make, that it will not shatter, but pierces shield, armor and flesh. Call out His name with every sword you forge, that it may not break, but cleave trough the orcs' vile flesh and put an end to their miserable existence. Call out His name with every armor and shield that is cast, that they may not rust and wear, but harden and stop the harshest blow. Call out His name with every brick you lay, and with every log you cut. And He will bless you, and your Craft will be true.
    Then take His Blessed Gifts to battle, and call out that Tempus may fill your hearts and souls with valour and courage. Do that, and we cannot be defeated. Do that, and this war is already ours. "_