Visits, visits and more visits.
_Ikurus Darkrune is seen alot more in the gypsie camp lately. Whether it be to pay a visit to his fiance Lilly, or his dear friend Penny Lane.
Not quite the nature-lover, He seems a tad uncomfortable with his surroundings. But nodding to strangers and being polite nonetheless._
"Thes jellys says, Whooppees a boogles I's a slickin ans a dabblings, I's shakes mys thang! Ans yer knows wha a happens afte a ll tat a comotion? Wes turn arounds and spins in ta circle for forty nines a times!
Elrin would return the polite nods, but makes little attempt at conversation with Ikurus. To those that know him best, it would seem Elrin doesn't trust Ikurus, either that or he plain doesn't like him. He leans over to Kaona and whispers
I didn't think it possible… But here it is, before my very own eyes... This guy is even paler then Klaz.
He would then chuckle softly and keep puffing away at his pipe.
Kaona chuckles softly every time that Ikie comes strolling into camp. She grins over at Lilly whenever she sees him come into camp.
re Ikie arse is here, hun….
She will then wink at Ikie and Lilly to let them know that she is teasing them.