A General Alarm is shouted around town!

  • Rando looks to Kara and then to the kegs


    Rando gives her a half smile and continues to assemble the troops

    • Foilir stomps back from the Norwick graveyard *

    Yeh gone lost yeh minds? \Me juss got back frumma sharin an ale anna chat wit dem undead.. Yeh nae blowin up shite!

    • Grumbles as he walks towards Thorvin's house for some particular reason *

    Me swear me saw un ghost dat said it wus Thorin, lookin fer Thorvin…

  • Tired and disheavled, Kara wanders into town with a hand resting on the hilt of her sword as word spreads of the commotion. When she reaches the square with the assembling forces and spies the kegs, she shakes her head

    Just where are you going with those? If your intention is to blow the crypts up, that will just makes things worse…desecrating the dead that are already there will just make matters worse, along with angering all your citizens.

    If you don't listen to me, listen to your own people...blowing up their families generally isn't going to work terribly well.

    With that said, when do we leave? I'm not leaving a friend in trouble.

  • Paci, who has lately been seen around town only during his patrol shifts, reports to Rando fully geared and without the usual wry grin on his face.

    "Rite, serge. Ready ta go an' get ole Dwin back an' ta beat'em bloody walkin' corpses into a pulp. Too bad, I dun have me silver greatsword ready yet, but I promise ta severe sum ghoul limps wi' me ole trusty iron blade as well."

    ((Please, post date and time here if possible, and I'll do my best to be there.))

  • Rando smiles and says

    "yes Boss, i have two carts of kegs loaded"

    Rando points and smiles

  • Seen throwing various and assorted items about the Town Hall in obvious frustration, The Chancellor then gathers his gear and heads out into the square, very upset and barking orders to the militia guards assembled there

    Fakin' damnit Rando! Git the damn kegs an' lets be done wit' this SHYTE! Farkin Dwin gittin took nae good.. farkin nae good t'all… We either comin' back wit' em or we nay comin' back.. all there be to it.

  • Lucid scurries about town talking with the guard and meeting with rando trying to get a grasp of the situation. He sends runners to jiyyd legion hall, spellweaver, the druids glenn and the OWR informing them of Dwin's situation and asking for any assistance they can provide.

    (( If we get a time/date for this, please post it to this thread for everyone. spanks! ))

  • Kalith preps his gear for a long fight

  • When word gets to Spellweaver, Genzir comes into town and also offers his aid.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Surprisingly, a rather short elven lady approaches Rando upon hearing about dwin's disappearance, who some would recognize as the former archdruid, Fadia

    If you would accept the aid of someone outside your organization, I would be more than happy to lend it.

    //lemme know the time if you want me along….we'll see if I can do anything