Blackguard bugbears and Fallen Paladins

  • A letter is written and sent to the Holy order of the Divine Shield

    To the representative of the Divine Shield:

    This letter is to inform your order of the disturbances found in the rawlin forest some time ago.

    Apparently, the bugbears had been using fallen paladins to turn them into beings known as "Doom Knights" and are being actively used by the bugbear blackguards to summon them.

    I do not know the procedure involved in turning the fallen paladins into one but I am able to describe the scene presented to us when we infiltrated their cave:

    A body of a child was laid on the ground covered in ritual marks and carvings which I suspect may be from blood. The body was basked in red light which one of our companion who happened to be a cleric recognised it as a form of negative energy.a bugbear druid was in the middle of some sort of ceremony but it was disrupted by our presence.

    Skipping the details of what had happened to the bugbears, we attempted to remove the body of the child away from the light only to be injured by it, leaving wounds that one receives after being exposed to negative energy. It was done successfully after the cleric casted a spell to protect himself from such energy.

    Once the body was removed from the light, it began to age mysetriously with reasons none of us are unable to explain. The process begins to hasten as moment passes by from the body of a child into an unrecognisable young man's, middle age, elderly to a undescribable ancient old man and finally, into a withering corpse. We only came to know that the body once belonged to a Paladin when we uncovered his equipments from a nearby chest and amongst his possession was an amulet dedicated to Tyr.

    Following that, we brought the body as well as the rest of the belongings to the temple of Tyr and informed Daisy regarding of the situation and the finer details involved. She believes strongly that the problem has not been resolved and the bugbears will continue to perform their unholy acts so long as there are fallen paladins to be found.

    Hence the reason why I am writting this letter to your Order, for only your Order is specialized in dealing with such matters. For more details, do inquire with Daisy.

    Your regards,

    Some of the Divine Shield members seems to recognise the awfully familiar handwriting in the letter.

    //Speak to DarkPowder for more inquiry about this event.