Pixie alert!

  • A letter acknowleding to the militia of Jiyyd is being sent to Grag.

    Dear militia of Jiyyd,

    I wish to report to the militia regarding of a nuisance caused by a certain pixie to the group of people gathered by the fire.

    I do not know if the pixie is owned by a mage or a wild one, but it began its nuisance by approaching the group gathered by the fire and straight to the pot of stew found in the centre. The pixie then added some suspicious looking powder into the still cooking stew.

    What resulted soon after that was a sweet fragrance coming from the pot that manage to tempt several people by the fire to eat the stew which results in them falling sick. This is obvious that the pixie had poisoned food that was meant for the public to eat.

    I hope that the militia will take some actions to this public nuisance to avoid the pixie from making future attempts of poisoning the food meant for the public.

    I will attach a simple description of the pixie responsible for the nuisance in this letter.

    your regards,
    A picture drawn which somewhat resembles a pixie is attached to the back of the letter. The description to the pixie can be simply put as dangerously, evil'ishly, adorably cute looking pixie.