A Messenger

  • Jonathan spends a quiet moment, his dark eyes piercing as he studies both young women.

    Surely you have heard….. my people are the scourge of the Nars. We lie, we cheat, we steal. We are killers of children in their beds, and snatchers of innocence. His eyes twinkle quite charmingly Not to mention, we charge a toll for the use of our bridge.

    So why do you wish to open negiotiations with us?

  • _Two women stand side by side near the fire to talk to Johnathan. The shadows cast by the fire offer a stark contrast between the two. One, a young lady with fiery red hair tied into a single braid with jade green eyes stands comfortably in the foreign forest but nay a worry creases her face. If anything, she seems amused. Her clothing is a fine ensemble of leather from neck to toe colored in Oscuran shades which almost seem to grasp at the shadows cast by the fire.

    The other lady age is in determinant, though young looking she has obvious creases on her face, older or maybe a hard life. Her hair falls in dark rolls to her shoulders. Her clothing seems well matched for the environment, rangers clothes, greens and browns intermingled into pants, boots and shirt with vest yet she seems slightly at unease and out of her element._

    The fiery haired lady speaks first in soft tones.

    I bring a message for Johnathan as well as an envoy so that accords can be made between our people.

    She begins to recite:


    I hope this missive finds you well and your people flourishing. Long has Oscuran kept to the shadows out of sight maintaining our neutrality. As we waited the world moved without us. Wars were fought, and injustices done to the people of Narfell while we slept. We have now awakened and have seen what we turned our eyes from. It is with regret that our eyes did not open sooner so we may have aided the wronged. All we are left is with apologies for our lapse and a desire to open relations with your people so that we may offer aid to one another in the form of trade and diplomacy. Such a small step I realize, but we are inexperienced in such things but are learning the best that we may.

    In good health

    Justicar of Oscura.

    As she finishes the envoy speaks up

    :: she looks about the gathering at the fire::

    As you have heard the words of Justicar, we wish to forge closer relations. I am sure there are many stories and tales of us but I also know that you too have had untruths said of you.

    Before we began our talks, I am sure there are questions?

  • Jonathan meets with the lady at the Central Fires, reluctant to let the woman into his tents alone with him

  • Some weeks after departing the messenger returns with another lady in tow.

  • She's ushered into Jonathan's tent (pm me, Salsa), and a Warrior stands close by so none might eavesdrop