Calistra's Journal - Expedition Narfell

  • I have much to catch up on and report since my arrival:

    Arrival in Peltarch

    • A large town with much to offer and well fortified. My most favorite discovery in town is Yoxi Tyne's shop Curious Curios. I am just entranced by the frost worm captured in there. What an impressive creature! I lose all sense of time studying it... its movements, its senses. I've begun to make my Aurilian self known to the farmers around town by making occasional rounds through the Nars farmland to remind yokels set part of harvest aside as offering to Auril or have fear of an early or late frost ruining their crops.

    • It seemed for a time I tested the Frostmaiden's patience and became too complacent in Peltarch though her eyes. I became too focused, too obsessed with defeating the orog butcher, rather than branching out discovering the lands of Narfell. This lead me to make foolish decisions, entering alone. I was not rewarded... falling on death's door only to summon enough strength to escape the cave and back to the inn to heal my wounds. Luckily, I was able to convince a brash dwarvish fighter to accompany me, his name escapes me and I have not seen him since this encounter. With his help I was able finally defeat the orog whom had taunted me so, and thus I was able to refocus on my purpose for being here.

    • During my first few weeks in Peltarch, I had used healing sparingly from moonmaiden priestess, out of reverence to the Monk (blue raven) for help exploring kobold caves, and most importantly the respect give towards Auril.

    Discovery of Oscura

    • An ill-fated trip alone into the kobold cave ended with kobolds descending upon and overwhelming me. I next find myself waking in the dark underground city of Oscura, with a dark-armored warrior looming over me. I had thought I was brought to a slaver's pen, but soon found the warrior's name to be Seraphina, a half-elf cleric of Fenmarel. She was no slaver and welcomed me to the settlement with a tour. I've had the most interaction with Sera since arriving to Narfell. She has guided me through a few caverns and have shown to be somewhat receptive to the Frostmaiden's tenets. I'm beginning to have a sense of ease with her, less guarded around her than others so far.

    Notes on Norwick

    • Chauntea looms large in the Norwick community causing some uneasiness within me. I will bide time before making a larger presence within the town, as I feel a loud Aurilian cleric will not be welcomed. Seems that the community leaders are largely devout towards Chauntea, and are quick to act judging by response to the kidnapped Chauntean priestess, by goblins.

    • However, Norwick has been under pressure from outside its walls. Something to keep an eye on...

    • One thing about Norwick is that there seems to be a recurring tournament of sorts. I have met a troop of other adventurers here at these competitions. Many capable archers, and fighters with displays of unarmed prowess. Partaking in these competitions has brought in some contacts, within the region. One particular lead most beneficial. The moonmaiden's warrior-monk Blue Raven, has offered to show me the icy northern lands. This I must pursue, the sole reason I've travelled so far...

  • Entry 4 - Progression

    Explorations of new swamps, sewers, and forests give promise for future gains in exploration in the north. I continue to poke and prod, seeking knowledge of those familiar with the northern reaches of the territory. I beginning to make connections... finding those useful and those resistant.

    Lady Vilia and I have struck up a working agreement that has been working to both our benefits so far. It's been noted that she seems to be someone to keep close and work with. So far, she has introduced me to a stuck-up elf who seemed to be the first since my arrival in Peltarch to put up a resistance to me being a follower of the Frostmaiden. This elf, Ravy?... I don't recall his name... unimportant as of now... according to Vilia has knowledge of the north. The conversation was mostly in elvish, which I tuned out, except for his attempts at a few frosty snipes towards me. But he has been noted... something to pursue later.

    Ahnla, the ranger, is another to note upon. Useful for finding the useful trinkets to sell in town for coin and more importantly carrying it. He seems to tolerate me so far as an exploration companion. Not one quick to shun.

    And ho! An open praise to the Frostmaiden... from a dwarf no less! It has been so long since I've heard those words from another. This dwarf, Dozer of clan Mantleborne, makes it sound his clan halls are in the north and dare not incur the Frostmaiden's wrath.

    Only patience, endurance, must be used to see where this all leads. Perhaps I can begin to trickle the trail of water...

  • Entry 3

    Awakened again in Oscura, with the dark figure of Seraphina looming over me. I am grateful for her coming to my rescue once again, however it makes me weak in the Frostmaiden's eyes. I fear of becoming to indebted to another. Must act smarter.

  • Entry 2
    It has been sometime since I've used a bow, not since I've left home. Seems like I've lost a step as a hunter while travelling east. So I've bought a bow from the local fletcher in Peltarch, and looking to find some easy targets to relearn. Found myself joining some other adventurers on my way to the Kobold marshes.

    • Bron - a dwarven brawler
    • Vilia - an elven warrior
    • Ahnla - an archer

    With this party I finally was able to venture into the hill giants' territory to see the actual threat outside Peltarch. The larger targets was helpful with getting used to having a bow in my hand again. Gathered some good coin, much needed coin from them.
    Next we explored an underground maze near Oscura, filled with ettins. More archery practice on large targets. More coin. I must begin to stockpile supplies for an eventual trip to the northern reaches. A good day, made more coin, made more acquaintances for further exploration, spread the word further that a follower of the Frostmaiden is in Narfell.

    The following day
    Out today picking off goblins and gathering pelts for some leatherworking. Found a secret sandy cove outside Peltarch... I wonder what is down here? A shrine to Eldath, and empty chest, and I hear some footsteps in the sand coming this wa (the writing abruptly ends)