Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • _The pressures of the world beyond the camp seem to have taken some sort of toll on the Elven Wizard Celebring, yet he is very reluctant to share. His mood quite dark of late, the smile rarely touching his lips seeming forced, fake even…

    Complaining of headaches, he seeks quiet solace within the inner camp among his close friends, hoping to find peace of mind, even if only for a little while._

  • Out of nowhere, the (former) Banite Ezachiel has been spending all of his time in the camp, sitting under a tree reading (those who study him for a while would notice that the pages turn by themselves) or talking with those willing to talk with him. Even though he looks like he took a thorough beating, his heavily bandages hands don't seem to have exactly the right shape, and he's missing a large amount of his teeth, he appears to be in a decent mood, paying special interest to Cera and Cherry when he sees them. Maybe his presence here has something to do with the rumours of the beating he got from Melanie in Norwick?

  • _Rumor has it that the elf named Hen ran into Will near the heartfires. Bleeding nearly to death, she got out that Celebring had fallen to Ettins before collapsing.

    The guards say Will stopped only long enough to bandage her before dashing out of the camp.

    Some days later, the guards say Will and Celebring both returned, looking a bit worse for wear but otherwise all right._

  • Camp defenders just outside the Pass witnessed the cheerful meeting between Horbag and Rhistin. The two were seen heading to Peltarch, whilst chattering about tanning.

  • Raver and her men have carried on as usual, sparring with Camina, giving their silent support.
    The only comment over heard by Raver has been that people need to mind their own bloody business

  • Scutum Hedges spends quiet days in meditation and seeking Camina for further sparring matches, claiming there is more to learn from losing than from winning. If any monks or hins elect to spend time in her company during these hours, they will hear her teach about "emptying one's cup" in order to learn new things.

    If she sees Grak, she can't help but giggle.

  • _On a visit to the camp during one of the city's quieter days, Dyani al Fehzim, a mage of Calimshan, finds amusement hearing both sides of the rumours of the assault on the Sharessan.

    Despite being a neutral party and witnessing the entire event, she prefers to let the pot simmer for a while longer before commenting._

  • "I could be wrong, but I don't think that beating the living daylights out of guests over a misunderstanding is the way to go. Seriously now, at least in Norwick they tell you they just don't like you.. before beating."

    Elor also mumbles something about Sanctuary Valley, but who would understand that?

  • ICC

    Grak has complaining that he was attacked without any reason during the festival:

    _"Oi, not Graks fault if some unfortunate wench is born as a lowly female. Besides no huuuumie nor those fancy pointy ears can deny the fact that beaten female moaned like female-Chesty Larue".

    "Grak also noticed that this local militia is unable to uphold any law here. Hmph, that is not a suprise for Grak. Grak's crystal-like memory easily recalls the time, when all of these curs were busy running away from few puny hairy beasts who decided take over their settlement".

    Hmph.. They also seem to have forgotten that thing huuuumies call "gratidute". Graks purse has not received a single coin from the help to clean this stinky town from them… Ungrateful and cheapskate-curs Grak says.._

    saunters off the road which leads towards crossroads

  • Seeing her best friend beaten to pulp outside the fighting area, a certain Wolf in orange and black leathers rushed to help the Sharessan priestess. Enfuriated, she stepped up to Camina, but merely met her cold dismissive gaze. With a seething "this is not the last of it", she walked off with her best friend.

  • Rumor has it that the Sharess Priestess was actully acting on the words of a camp elder. Trying to stop a fight breaking out in the camp when the guards wouldnt step in. Also that it had nothing to do with being beaten in duel that it was to try and stop the festival from being ruined.

  • A small group of adventurers, including Gilda the gnomish priestess, a red-robed mage ((can't remember name, sorry)), the newly arrived Cherry and Elor headed into the spiderpass. After a day or so, they returned, Elor carrying the lifeless body of Cherry. Apparantly, a barking spider had ambushed the group and managed to get to Cherry before the others could chase it off. It was not until the arrival of Storn, the dwarven Akadian, that Cherry left Cera's tree again, queesy but alive. She was lead back into the inner camp by Elor, with promises of revitalising chicken soup.

  • _The minor scuffle with the half-orc and the Sharessan priestess aside, the festival is overall deemed quite a success, as any affair that involves free food and drink tends to be. Visitors both living and dead mingled freely, enjoying the entertaining talents of noted bards like Elor and Melidian, aswell as the hired band of musicians.

    The opening archery contest drew a wide range of eager contestants, though notably, the mage Ezachiel found an excuse to avoid participation, clearly not in the most festive of moods. The contest contained many a thrilling match, perhaps most notably the one between Ginger Tealeaf and Theaon Thorn. The famed sure-shot Ginger was pushed to a tie, but won the fourth shot and advanced to the final, where she proceeded to beat Sabre Seesaw with one point in another rather close match.

    The festival continued in high spirits as the arranger Camina layed out the ground rules for the melee contest. Despite a number of taunts from the female fighters, the loudmouth half-orc Grak refused to set foot in the ring, though his derogatory comments eventually earned him a beating regardless. That distraction aside, there can be no doubt that the star of the melee contest was the lighting-fast hin Scutum Hedges, who won the final against Lector and William Morrison. The hinnish whirlwind even gave Camina herself quite a match, knocking the fighter to the ground with her well-aimed kicks.

    The crowd dispersed slowly after the games were finished, many lingering to drink and chat the night away. The pleasant calm wasn't broken until the following night, when spiders and a few driders attacked both the inner and the outer perimeters of the camp. A handful of gypsy guards are reported to have fallen in the fighting, brave souls to be met again at the next festival of the dead, perhaps._

  • Rumor has it that the Gali Camina, while running the festival games, took time out to beat down a foul-mouthed half-orc Gaje.

    Rumors also tell of a Gaje Sharessan priestess who, angered at her loss to Camina in an earlier contest, attacked Camina from behind with spells, while Camina was beating down the loudmouth. …at which point, Camina beat the Sharessan into unconsciousness again.

    Some say the Sharessan has been demanding that the elders expel Camina from Camp. One might wonder at this, what right a Gaje has to demand anything of an Elder, much less expulsion of a Gali who has not broken the Oath.

  • Rumour has it that Ezachiel (who I am assuming most of the Gali have heard about by now) visited Cera along with four gali women, only to come out again by his own not much later. Hours after that, one of the women, some say Fadia, came out, and spoke to him for a while, after which she left and he went back inside, only to re-emerge later with Rhistin, according to some, who he sat around the fire with. Even he himself doesn't seem to know for sure what happened, but it is pretty obvious that he doesn't have his spellbook on him.

  • @cfbb6315ed=DrDreadLock:


    _Word goes around that a festival will be held to honor the memory of the fallen Romani troops that have died defending their home.

    Drinking, dancing, story telling, fighting competitions that the warriors loved so much! All are invited!_

    //Sunday July 22, 2pm EST

    ((bummer KB will be arriving from the airport then so none of my GC PC's will be there and neither will KB's :rain: ))

  • Lilin's tent goes oddly quiet as she, Corran and her children depart on a long overdue vacation


    _Word goes around that a festival will be held to honor the memory of the fallen Romani troops that have died defending their home.

    Drinking, dancing, story telling, fighting competitions that the warriors loved so much! All are invited!_

    //Sunday July 22, 2pm EST

  • Ragnhild seems to be busy like a bee of late, though surprisingly for her, it isn't combat-related activities that are the focus of her energies. Instead she appears to be packing up all her belongings, as well as those of her daughters. Kegs of ales, old children's toys and everything that is too heavy to carry is safely stored away. Ragnhild's Guardian sister Horbag can be spotted fussing over the children, outfitting them with warm winter wolf boots, cloaks, gloves and the like. Lycka seems excited, telling her friends all about the upcoming trip to the Glaciers:

    "It will be a great adventure, mama says, and I'll get to meet all my family and find my totem too! I'll miss you all, but we'll come back in the spring, I promise."

    //This is not a retirement of Ragnhild as a character, but a trip home to the Great Glaciers in preparation for Lycka's coming of age.

  • Elor, who was also present during the appearance of the mysterious paladin, often spends some time with her, unless and/or until he is shood away. Quiet when quiet is required, yet talkative when the woman feels so, he seems to have taken an interest in the mysterious planar traveller.