Camp Bon Fire Rumors and Stories

  • _After a trip with Raver to the gnoll lands, Camina was seen walking through camp with a pack full of supplies. After a short talk with Raver at the fires, it seems the two may not be parting on the best of terms.

    Camina was seen entering Jonni's tent to speak with him, obviously getting ready for a long trip somewhere by the looks of her pack._

  • Word spreads of stone badgers found in the spider woods. Trouble anyone?

  • _A bugbear was seen in the Inner Camp today. It attacked no one, and could not be found when searched for.

    While the searchers had gone to the Outer Camp to discuss this, flaming catapult missiles began raining down in the outer Camp.

    A punitive raid was led into the gnoll lands, by William where the catapult was located and destroyed.

    A search for additional catapults found none.

    The only serious injury was Alexi, nearly killed when he slipped and fell into the Cold Caves._

  • Cherry leaves word with her grandmother and Jeni, she wouldike to talk with Raver about maybe doing her part her part in the defense of Camp. Petrhaps by join in with any other trainiees the wrriors have.

  • Those travelling in the spider woods would notice that the large tree just shy of the gates has a length of red cord hanging from one of the thicker branches.
    Anyone inquiring as to how it got there would hear mention of a Priest going by the name Anselm, spending some time by the tree recently.

  • Attached to a few trees, a couple of posters turn up, they advertise a

    Greengrass Festival"] ((Click here for full sized poster.))

    ((If there's fees to be paid, please contact me (Pavel) about these))

  • A tall dark-haired woman stops at Cera’s tree. She pauses there a moment before going in. The guards nod at her when she shows them some old worn oath papers. She nods politely to them before hesitantly going into the tree. When she comes out, she looks around the camp as if she has been here before. She glances toward one of the empty fires before slipping off into the darkness.

    Rumors about the woman can be heard floating around. She has been seen with Jerr and was friendly with Dart. The two men seem to know her well.

  • Word goes around that this isn't the first time. Rhistin's been surprised by a lone Headsman when she was tanning in the inner camp. Upon the defeat of the Gnoll together with the Master Tanner, she rushed to the hearth fires to find Melanie willing to go with her to find out if the gnoll was a maverick. The two found two small pouches containing the remains of an unfortunate oathtaker. Being the most sturdy of the two, Melanie carried the body over to Jeni.

  • A lone gnoll apparently made it into camp adn killed one Romani before others cold take it down. Cera's granddaughter was among the first to discover the man's body minutes after his death. Getting one of the Romani who had been pre-occupied with taking down the gnol before it killed anyone else, she had help to carry the body to her grandmother's tree.

  • _In recent weeks, the lavender-haired girl, Cherry, iis reported by the guards to almost always look down when being escorted inside her grandmother's tree, except when asked to look up. The guards probably often hesitate to even let her in, with her more recent sullent and paranoid behavoiur. Only the the word of her grandmother who knows what Cherry is really suffering through, assauges the guards' supsicions that Cherry has notsuccombed to influneces aimed at harming Jeni.

    When out around the Camp, she is seen most often sitting in quiet prayer or meditation, clutching that small stone ofhers tight. and more tha once has she's given a frightened shriek and run off in a panic with nothing seeming to be around to cause such terror._

  • _People are talking about a fight in the tree near Shady's shop between Aelthas and the dwarf that spit in the Romani, Mira's face some time ago and was told to not come back.

    Master Nefzen is heard saying he was asked to leave or be removed and he told Aelthas to remove him, so the Commander obliged and the Warriors were seen dragging his unconscious body to the pass were he was given time to heal and told to not come back again, this time with something more severe as punishment if he returns._

  • _In all quietness, a familiar figure has returned to the camp. Tall, blonde and as barelegged as ever, the warrioress known as Ragnhild is once again spotted around the camp's heartfire on occasion. Her merry and energetic spirit seems strangely subdued though, and much of her time is spent in close vicinity of her daughter Lycka. Stepdaughter Asha also appears to stay close to her sister, who looks to bear the doting with some annoyance.

    Lycka is not quite as recognizable as her mother. The thin and gangly girl that left for the Glaciers is now approaching her fifteenth year and beginning to grow into her looks in an eye-catching manner. Though not quite as tall or as strongly built as her mother, Lycka clearly has inherited much of Ragnhild's curvacious figure as well as her light blue eyes. Her hair is the same unusual silvery white colour as her father Zoma's. Lycka also shares Zoma's paler complexion and many of his facial features, leaving little doubt as to her heritage. Unlike both of her parents though, she is startlingly pretty.

    Many of the camps inhabitants may recall Lycka as an athletic, lively child, always running, climbing, playing and singing. The young woman Lycka appears more frail somehow, her family often hovering anxiously nearby whenever she tries anything more strenuous. She often lingers near the Gypsy Warriors as they train, though oddly enough does not join in. Instead she sings, her clear, sweet voice trailing through the camp._

  • *over heard near the heartfires

    William: Are you going to make Steelfin Second Lieutenant?
    Raver: Nae, want to see how he does with the fellas first. Squad Leader for now.

  • Rumour has it that the wizard Ezachiel spent some time with Cherry, first chatting a bit near the fires, before heading towards the gnoll lands, returning some hours later, this time asking a man identified by some as William for directions to the Roost, where Cherry returned from some hours later, with Ezachiel staying up there for nearly a day.

  • _Rumor has it that Jeni has been attacked again, by someone who was able to slip past the guards outside Cera's tree.

    Some say it was only the warriors inside that prevented the attacker from reaching Jeni this time, and the body was later burned to ash outside the tree._

  • whispers over the campfires speak of death threats of unknown origins..

    _…...Seems Jenni has made an enemy.

    .....who'd want to harm sweet Jenni?......

    The Warriors said they were going to be guarding that tree until the culprit is caught!_

  • A letter arrives for the camp in general from Corran and his wife Elder Lilin. It bears the joyful news that Lilin is expecting again, but goes on to say that they intend to stay in Suzail until the baby is born. It is clear from the letter that both they and their children are well and enjoying the peace and quiet of family life away from the chaos of war and adventure. There is no mention however anywhere in the letter of genevieve and her daughter Charlotte, who certainly have not been seen since the day Lilin and family headed off and are presumed to be there in Suzail with them.

  • _Upon receiving the card and flowers, Celebring smiled a genuine smile, seeming to know exactly who it was from…

    After offering the child a few gold coins for their trouble and sending them on their way, he retreats back inside to put the flowers in water, placing the card on the mantlepiece above his fireplace._

  • A particularly distraught Elor stumbles into the camp one night. Badly wounded, he staggers towards the inner camp and straight to his tent, "locking himself in" for a full day and refusing to talk to anyone. Over the coming days he is usually haunting the less watched and occupied parts of the camp, his eyes a dull grey rather than their usual silvery blue, avoiding contact with any other campers. During the day, when the camp livens up, he is nowhere to be found. Whatever happened the night this apathy and silence began, it caused the half-elf a more severe wound than the mere physical.

  • _In one early dawn, a Gali child is seen approaching Celebring in front of his doorsteps, handing him bouquet of flowers of different kinds and all are fresh from picking. The child explained that he was asked by a lady who speaks in strange verses, to deliver the flowers and a card to Celebring personally.

    The flowers are identifiable as Black-Eyed Susan, Holly, Star of Bethlehem, Yarrow and Hydrangea.

    The card simply consists of sentences that reads:_

    Burdens be seen upon the shoulders of yours,
    the kind that robs the smiles of one away we see.
    Like life of the cheery sun,
    dampened by the stormy clouds that blanket the heavens.

    Know that there be people who still care for you so,
    despite they know little of the plight you may had sowed.

    Simple gestures of encouragement one can give,
    in hopes that this act of modest kindness,
    at the very least will strengthen your spirits for the time to come.

    Persevere and be courageous,
    a reminder I offer to you.
    For once the storm passes,
    not only the warmth of the basking sun will you feel once again,
    but also a rainbow one could view with joy and relief.

    By the bottom of the card, Celebring would notice small recognisable flowers pinned upon it in order: a pink rose, a Zinnia and a Geranium. There is no mentioning of whom the sender may be that may be the forgetfulness of the sender to write.