Jiyyd Rumors

  • Rumour has it that a helmed person in a yellow robe attacked some people in Jiyyd. Might be something to do with the Golden Dragons

  • Rumors are rumors, but the phrase "crystal people" seems to be in a lot more of them, lately.

  • Rumours abound of the return of the Winged man who comes and goes seemingly at random. A group followed him into the Temple of helm and did not emerge for many many hours. When they did they spoke little of what had happened.

    Most notable though are the vanishing of the odd good humour Kerrith had been displaying recently and the odd looks most have been seen since casting in Hedia's direction.

  • Rumors of a vicious fight between a dwarf and a human in the Jiyyd square can be heard…. where the rumor allso state that the dwarf clad in reb and black attacked the human who was unarmed and did not wear armor at the time, he was apparently looking away from the enraged dwarf......... Not surprizingly the dwarf struck him down....

  • Sounds of battle were heard from the menhirs of Jiyyd late one evening. Witnesses describe a flood of powerful orcs with greatswords bursting from a glowing portal at the menhirs.

    After the orcs stopped coming through the portal, a group of intrepid (and decidedly foolhardy) adventurers and Legionnaires leapt through the portal.

    Jiyyd was quiet for days before the group returned. Most looked incredibly weary and pale. Armor and weapons alike were stained with all manner of blood and gore.

    When questioned, weary members of the group describe a hellish fight through the heart of the orcs' fortress and the dank caves underneath, all the while constantly harassed by a powerful orcish wizard.

    Sil mentions, "Well he won't be casting any more spells for awhile. We didn't kill him, but Grag lopped off an arm. Oh, and we kegged their altar! Ha ha!"

  • Zyphlin's ears perk up at the rumor on one of his many trips through jiyyd

    Did someone say translate? grins Tell the priest to send word up to the bardic college, I'll be glad to look over it and see what I can tell him

  • A scribe from the Temple of Helm was asking for assistance in translating an ancient scroll he found while reorganizing the temple's library.

  • A dwarf is seen running around Jiyyd, seemingly heading towards Peltarch yelling "A BRINGINS ROLERTS BACKS!". For those that know him, this is none other then Ragrin of The Slaughtered Duergar Clan. And for those who know a dwarf named Rolert, the Rolert Ragrin means as he yells out is none other then Rolert of The Slaughtered Duergar Clan.

  • @0df8fb37a8=Caoimh:

    A small group of people in dusky brown well kept robes caused alot of confusion around the well. The group wandered around dropping roses, chanting, talking about odd things and evil, then even casting powerful spells, before apparantly completing their purpose and leaving towards the Silver Valley.

    Upon hearing of this, Sil complains loudly:
    "What? What in the hells are the watchmen doing? And the town's council?!
    Are the only people who care about this town the Legionnaires?"

    She shakes her head and heads for the Valley to find out what else happened.

  • Raryldor keeps watch for the casters in brown clothes, wary of another magical asault on town

  • A small group of people in dusky brown well kept robes caused alot of confusion around the well. The group wandered around dropping roses, chanting, talking about odd things and evil, then even casting powerful spells, before apparantly completing their purpose and leaving towards the Silver Valley.

  • Mallis was seen storming out of the Valley late in the night. All residents of Jiyyd know that he was addressing the Valley's Council in the hours before. From all appearances, the meeting did not go well. Some say he was storming in the path of Damara. Others say Thay. Some say Rashemen, his homeland. Some say all three, trying to find something that he believes will solve the Valley's "flying lizard" problem.

    Whatever he does find, no matter how much it will help, his return to the Valley will be most likely his death. For his people, he nods and accepts that fate.

    "It really is a bloody fine idea." He said as he left Narfell's border.

  • Apparently, Talgrath returned to Jiyyd recently. Upon spotting Divinus Mortis, he tried to arrest her, when some Jiyyd citizens wanted approval of a Jiyyd official first, he spoke to a watchman. He left, later returning with an official-looking paper with Peltarch's seal. Apparently, Divinus Mortis is wanted on several counts in Peltarch, the most serious being for practicing necromancy in city limits. The watchmen had no problem with Talgrath arresting Divinus when he returned after showing them the official-looking paper, but she had disappeared. Talgrath has informed people that if she is seen that apprehending her and sending word to Peltarch would be appreciated.

  • _The word spreads around town of Gnolls that seemed to appear from out of nowhere, nearby the well…

    The Gnolls were dispatched of easily enough... But not before a young elven girl was apparently kidnapped. Soon after a score of adventurers left Jiyyd, northwest from the gates... Travelling in the direction of the Gypsy Camp...

    The events took place weeks ago now, and the young elven girl hasn't been seen since..._

  • The veteran Peltarch Defender Talgrath has been seen wandering around Jiyyd for the first time in quite some time. He was looking for information about the crystals.

  • The young paladin Mariston Thel was seen speaking with Lady Just'ene, it seems he was attacked by a dark dwarf while travelling the east road.

  • A silver haired one-eyed man seemed to have grown restless recently after he had a private conversation with Mirkali, the bard by the silver valley.

    He is often seen wearing a forlorn expression at the same time as he is in deep contemplation. If Kara or Melanie is around, he usually wears a mixture of confused expression and uncertainty behind their back, only to have his face reverting back to his usual but forced facade this time whenever they turn around to speak with him.

    Whatever Mirkali had told him in private by the silver valley, disturbs the one eyed man greatly and which seemed to concerns both Melanie and Kara.

  • The young sorcoress Luara Mortan is now seem back outside of her room at the inn with the warmth back in her face. her stomach sickness has subsided ratehr quickly. This unexplainedsickness has left many to wonder if she wasn't sick at all and that something darker has caused her absense in the town.

  • after alot of sound coming from the leigon hall, wog and a few toher leigonaires can be seen coming from the leigon hall, wog is slightly pale and shakking slightly muttering, those who are close anough to hear mear him muttering about mind flayers

  • _::Seemingly random sprouts of arcane darkness we're spewing from the near east road, each one around 15 feet in diamater, touching and linked to the others.

    The sprouts we're wild and wavery, shadows lashed and slithered across the ground, briefly, for roughly thirty seconds, before the line of shadows faded. It ended near the nars, at the crossroads, where many footprints intertwined in the snow.

    Those of arcane nature know right away it was tapped from the weave. Something, it seems, did not want to be seen::_