NOTICE: The Demonic Threat - Aftermath

  • A public notice goes up in all towns

    'All who participated in combating the demonic threats of Narfell and took part in research leading up to and including the trip to the Abyss are listed below. Any named below are entitled to a portion of the treasure gifted to us after the trip to the Abyss, based upon participation in all combat, or non-combat situations.'

    'If you feel your name should be on this list and you do not see it, contact Jonni Aelthasson at the Wtich and Seer (Respond here) and provide details of your involvement. Examples: Research provided, helping to combat the Ekolid nests in the Rawlins, etc. Be specific please.'

    'A tenday shall be given for all people to respond to this notice if their name isn't on the list. Exact gold division amount and treasure lists shall be provided once the final list of names is completed.'

    'The following individuals have been recognized:'

    Salin VI

    (OOC: I will give it until Sunday August 21st for people to respond if they think their names should be added.)


  • It's been some time, but all picks are done. As I couldn't contact some people, I chose for them. Catch me IG for your items when you see me around.

  • Dev

    That seems unfair! :P. There's 40 for the takin'! All right... two it is.

  • @lence LMAO!

  • @lence Uh, no. You get two at a time, as I said in the post. Lol

  • Dev

    Lence will take the 40 heal potions. Gratzee!

  • Sam would like a 12 point token, please. Thanks! 🙂

  • Firespike arrows for Eve.

  • Eve, Samwell then Lence you are up. @Lence @Speedy_Z_

  • JT will take a 12pt token.

  • Meadow goes for the quivers of Nenfuar's Champion's Fatal Kiss

  • Nica will go for a 12 point token.

  • Dermin takes the last ttoken 15 pts

  • Blaze will take a 15 point transmutation token. There's 2 of them so at least 1 will be there when it's his turn.

  • Elliott will pick up the other bag of holding!

    ”Oh man, I know there’s a lot of joking done about my noodle arms, but this might actually help save my spine mining!!”

  • Mark has taken the Sunstone Ring, Elliot is up next @digit

  • Peltarch Employee

    Mako had left a letter to Meadow awhile back for her to get Mako something nice while she's out of the region. (Let Meadow or DM pick her something)

  • Bag of holding 100% for Beorn

  • @drdreadlock

    //Might be waiting a while for Beorn, Mac wasn't there for the hard part - but if it helps get things started I'll dibs on a token: Transmutation Token (15 pt)//

    Things having since settled, Raazi having come back to him after all was said and done, he finally accepted a share - he felt no shame in such a thing despite having not been there through the last leg - refusing himself to work with Nenufar's nefarious plot to assert herself on the throne. The city he'd stood for hadn't been kind to him of late, so he elected to take one of the finer treasures from the hoard.

  • 'I rolled the bones for the order of picking. Those who went to the Abyss will not be picking until all others have picked.

    If you could follow the order and write in your picks from the items below, I could then mark the item off with your name beside it. Also, if you pick a heal potion, you get two potions for the pick.'

    Beorn 98 ------ Bag of Holding, Protective Amulet of Cooling - Amulet: +2 AC vs slash, +3 AC vs Vermin, Fire Resist 5/-, SR 12, Protective Choker of Protection - Amulet: +3 AC vs gnomes, +3 AC vs NE, +1 save vs mind affecting, Discipline +2
    Cormac 96 ----- Transmutation Token (15 pt) DONE, Skipped second and third pick
    Mark 87 ---- Sunstone - Ring: +3 universal saves, Aura of Glory 2 charges/use, 50 charges, 2 Heals, Protective Feet of Knots - Boots: +3 AC vs Construct,
    +1 AC vs TN, +1 AC, Slash resist 5/-, Discipline +2
    Elliot 74 ---- Bag of Holding 100% weight DONE, Skipped remaining picks.
    Dermin 70 ---- Transmutation Token (15 pt), 2 Heals, Nullifier's Guards of Hardening - Bracer: +1 AC vs Chaotic Evil, +2 AC vs pierce, +1 save vs fear, +2 Discipline, SR 10
    Blaze 69 ---- Transmutation Token (15 pt), Nullifier's Loop of Holiness - Ring: +4 save vs negative energy, +2 animal empathy, SR 16
    Nica 66 ---- Transmutation Token (12 pt), 2 Heals
    Meadow 65 ---- Nenfuar's Champion's Fatal Kiss (99), (99) Two quivers - Arrows: +1d10 dmg vs outsiders, on hit: Slay outsider DC24, Vampiric Regen +5 DONE, 2 Heals
    J.T. 62 ---- Transmutation Token (12 pt), 2 Heals
    Eve 56 ---- Firespike Arrows (301) +1d6 fire dmg, +1d6 slash dmg, 2 Heals
    Samwell 48 ---- Transmutation Token (12 pt), Protective Necklace of Knots - Amulet: +3 AC vs NE, and Outsider; +2 AC vs slash, Darkvision, Concentration +2
    Lence 45 ---- 2 Heals, 2 Heals
    Leofric 44 ---- No answer.
    Sebrienne 37 ---- 2 Heals DONE, 2 Heals
    Thau'lira 30 ---- 2 heals, 2 Heals.
    Silver 29---- 2 Heals, 2 Heals
    Ravos 18 ---- 2 Heals, 2 Heals
    Yamamoto 10 ---- 2 Heals, 2 Heals
    Salin VI 08 ---- 2 Heals, 2 Heals.

    The items are listed below.

    • Bag of Holding 100% weight
    • Bag of Holding 100% weight
    • Nullifier's Guards of Hardening - Bracer: +1 AC vs Chaotic Evil, +2 AC vs pierce, +1 save vs fear, +2 Discipline, SR 10
    • Sunstone - Ring: +3 universal saves, Aura of Glory 2 charges/use, 50 charges
    • Nullifier's Loop of Holiness - Ring: +4 save vs negative energy, +2 animal empathy, SR 16
    • Protective Necklace of Knots - Amulet: +3 AC vs NE, and Outsider; +2 AC vs slash, Darkvision, Concentration +2
    • Protective Amulet of Cooling - Amulet: +2 AC vs slash, +3 AC vs Vermin, Fire Resist 5/-, SR 12
    • Protective Feet of Knots - Boots: +3 AC vs Construct,
      +1 AC vs TN, +1 AC, Slash resist 5/-, Discipline +2
    • Protective Choker of Protection - Amulet: +3 AC vs gnomes, +3 AC vs NE, +1 save vs mind affecting, Discipline +2
    • Firespike Arrows (301) +1d6 fire dmg, +1d6 slash dmg
    • Nenfuar's Champion's Fatal Kiss (99), (99) Two quivers - Arrows: +1d10 dmg vs outsiders, on hit: Slay outsider DC24, Vampiric Regen +5
    • Heal potions (0 of 40 left)
    • Transmutation Token (12 pt)
    • Transmutation Token (12 pt)
    • Transmutation Token (12 pt)
    • Transmutation Token (15 pt)
    • Transmutation Token (15 pt)
    • Transmutation Token (15 pt)

    (OOC: I will post a link to this thread on the Discord as well. Please follow the order above and make your picks as quickly as possible when your turn comes up.)