Scheduled player group

  • Hi y'all,

    I am looking to return to Narfell on a limited number of available hours of playtime. Gone are the days of spending 6 hours a day playing for me. I am thinking there may be others out there like me too. So, I'd like to get a group of 8-10 peeps that have about the same time and day availability that I do to play together.

    Why 8-10? Because real life happens a lot. And I figure that if we can nail down that many folks maybe two nights a week, then we can likely field at least 4-5 consistently on any of the dates/times we set.

    So... I am East Coast in the USA. Looking for group to meet twice a week (which I am flexible on). Although avoiding the weekend MAY be a good thing? Not sure. Looking for evening play. After supper, before bed. So maybe 8pm to 11pm?

    Also looking likely be looking to start from scratch on this group... so preference of role should be mentioned [tank / healer / ranged / melee / spellcaster / scout]. I figure we double up on tank/healer and then go from there.

    If you are interested, post your days/times and role you'd like to try for.

    Starting new characters.
    Monday & Wednesday 7:30p - 10p EST

    Kerby : __________Dozer "Plug" Mantleborne; Tank (Dwarf, Fighter/Dwarven Defender)
    RedneckDM : ___John "Buck" Smith; Scout/Damage (Human Rogue/Fighter)
    Sciolist : _________Olithir "Randy" Kelerandri; +Heals/-Buffs (Elf Cleric)
    Necrofai : _______Cara "Bender" Benson; +Buffs/-Heals (Bard)
    MaverickOriginal : Ruby "Rube" Multicaster (Hin, Cleric)
    CryingChild:_____Sebo "Nicknack" Nackle; Spell +Damage/-Buffs (Gnome Wizard)

    Caleil24 : ________Tank/Melee Damage (Paladin)
    DragonSai : _____Tank/Melee Damage (Human, Fighter/Weapon Master)
    St.Croix : ________Scout/Ranged Damage (Ranger)
    Andelas : ________+Heals (Cleric of Torm)


  • Setting up a Discord channel too coordinate better from. Cheers y'all.

  • This post is deleted!

  • I will update this tomorrow. Suffice to say, we had a fantastic showing, and a great time. DMs did a spectacular job keeping things fun and scary. Will be fun getting group dynamics improved once we get to know each other better. And we'll figure out a loot dividing system so that won't be a sticking point. Cheers all. Thanks for the welcome back to Narfell!

  • Rube... Pronounced Rubee [winks] is still the same green mother (sheela) caster cleric with a sling. That has a nack for the best rolls to loose. Literally!

  • And thanks to Dorakhan for the quick gender reassignment, I've no more female characters again!

  • am rolling a rogue/assassin cause no idea

  • @kerby alrighty... Since I like the character ruby... I'll play it tonight, but will seek a gender swap with the DMs when we're not busy

  • Chance Strom: Single, never been married. just like that one guy everyone knows. Just a good old boy, having some fun while he can, with no ties, only a few friends he considers family, though good luck getting him to admit that. Probably drinks too much, probably smokes too much, and probably fights too much, but if it wasn't for these qualities... he wouldn't be Chance. I will do my best not to be late, I am on dinner duty, and it simple so I should make it on time.

  • The nickname list is growing. Make up your own fish tale for how you got your name. I'm changing mine to an epic sewer backup caused by a Dozer hangover dump. He now cuts out the middleman and when in Peltarch, goes straight into the sewers to drop a dook.

    Dozer "Plug" Mantleborne
    John "Buck" Smith
    Cara "Bender" Benson
    Olithir "Randy" Kelerandri
    Sebo "Nicknack" Nackle
    Ruby "Rube"

  • @Maverick_tO Yeah, guys do and say things they'd never repeat with a mixed group. Lets keep it all guys.

  • @rei_jin said in Scheduled player group:

    Just as an outsider looking in...

    I thought @Kerby ‘s stated intention for this group was that it was guys only as PC’s?

    I remember something very clearly written about it being guys only, for RP reasons.

    This was written after I posted interest in playing "Ruby" and "she"
    "Likely be easier if we all RPed guys for this one. " and " excuse to get away from our wives/families/businesses/duties/etc"

    Ruby can easily be just one of the guys getting away from duties. Never intended to play her feminine.
    I still think it will work, but let me know!

  • @maverick_to "Ruby" soon notices several Aristocratic Ladies of Peltarch sporting ruby jewelry. Rumor has it that they were gifts from a lover though none will confirm nor deny said rumors. Yet, they all act like school girls when "Buck" (often pronounced Bawk by Plug) is nearby.

  • Just as an outsider looking in...

    I thought @Kerby ‘s stated intention for this group was that it was guys only as PC’s?

    I remember something very clearly written about it being guys only, for RP reasons.

  • "Ruby" a hin with a knack for growing things in the dirt, watching the clouds, and finding things buried in dirt, brought a load of discovered Rubies in to gamble at the Lucky Ferret card table.
    Happily, slowly lost all her gems to punks at the gaming table. Punks that actually turned out to be right decent .. well.. good natured folks that she now calls friends.

  • Sebo Nackle
    This somewhat unassuming gnome has recently moved from his rooms in Norwick up to Peltarch. He styles himself a history buff but seems most confused over events and history. If any should question him he gives long rambling answers that seem to lead nowhere. He dresses most often in rogue outfits and sometimes forgets that he can cast spells, using a crossbow with disastrous results. He is very studious and seems to have a firm grasp on magic, but his minds constantly jumps all over leaving himself and most others confused.

  • Olithir Kelerandri
    An elf raised in Peltarch and employed as a part-time scribe in the Library. His nature is somewhat dry and serious.

    As part of his other studies he's been encouraged to 'get out a bit more' as a Novice priest - Which has led him to regular gambling at the Ferret, though his carousing needs a bit of work. He plays cards, and dice games, but doesn't play the slots, fearing they're rigged somehow.

    As an adventurer, he's cautious and prefers blessing others, and watching from the rear rank with a bow. That said, he's handy enough to protect other archers with sword and shield, if need be.

  • First minor adventure under our belt. Plug went to get laid in the Dwarven Stronghold and his lady friend told him he had "werts on 'is pecker". So after seeing the very reluctant priestess of Chauntea, he was told that he needed to 'smear sum goblin drink on eet'. Bawk joined him in hunting down some goblin gook. Once back to the priestess, everything was well in hand, and after calming this eruption of dwerf werts, he was able to go back to the Stronghold. So it all worked out 'in the end'.

  • Cara Benson
    A rather gaudy person of indeterminate gender they enjoy others company. Out of all of them though, Cara seems to always have the worst luck. Tripping, losing bets, ever the fool.

  • @karion_silverbow We'll call you Bawk, ya little chicken shit!