At the Morninglord's temple

  • _Lady Ashena Teroldys of the Order of the Divine Shield, a frequent sight in Norwick of late, seeks out Priest Janick to ask permission to hold a meeting in the sanctity of the temple, to discuss how to best combat the undead threat. Provided permission is given, she then heads to Norwick city hall and the miltia barracks to invite the relevant persons before continuing to spread the word amongst the good and trustworthy volunteer defenders spread throughout the town.

    Ashena greets those gathered at the temple with a delicate pink tinging her cheeks, but a steady and determined gaze, her voice ringing out clear and calm:_

    "Welcome, and thank you all for coming. I have called you here this day because I feel it is high time we turn defence to offence, and make decisive plans on how to put an end to the threat Norwick faces. While we have managed to rebuff the undead assaults so far, their forces rebuild more swiftly than ours, and death only feeds them. We, on the other hand, are being whittled down, with every man and woman falling, with every emptied purse and consumed potion, we are drained of the strength we need to fight. We ~must~ strike back, before it is too late! And we must do so together.

    I have called you here, to this very spot, because to fight the darkness, we need the light, we need ~hope~ and faith on our side. None have spread such more than the chants of the Morninglord, ringing out from this blessed temple. The Order's own Hope.."

    Ashena gestures to the Ilmateri priestess with a smile.

    "..has an idea on how to strengthen such, for this war is fought not only on the physical plane, but the spiritual. I'll let her elaborate on that herself, and I would ask Davos to share his knowledge of Fendon, and how we should proceed to defeat him. Maria has further information to share, also, and anyone else that wishes to add their piece are welcome to do so."

    With that, Ashena steps back and opens the floor for discussion.

  • @9a1724af00=AubreyMaturin:

    Romulus and Ashena are heard discussing paths into the Norwick crypts that lead to Fendon's Lair. Following a recent patrol through the lower level, Romulus claims that he sensed something through the walls in the southwest quadrant, but no passage seemed to go there. He proposes an additional reconnaisance in force to map out all the hidden areas of the crypt lower level prior to taking on Fendon. Ashena, Andrew, and Celia agree that this would be a good idea, but caution that a large and powerful party would be needed.

    OOC: This would be something like the "Spring Cleaning" of the Peltarch Sewers and Barrows that Ashena led last month, where we try to enter every nook and cranny to see what is there. I will try to set something up IG this Sunday or Monday. Since many of those involved are European Zone players, it will likely be late afternoon USA time. Six people should be enough, and we don't have to have a DM, (unless they want to!)

    ((I have some time today, if you guys want))

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Romulus and Ashena are heard discussing paths into the Norwick crypts that lead to Fendon's Lair. Following a recent patrol through the lower level, Romulus claims that he sensed something through the walls in the southwest quadrant, but no passage seemed to go there. He proposes an additional reconnaisance in force to map out all the hidden areas of the crypt lower level prior to taking on Fendon. Ashena, Andrew, and Celia agree that this would be a good idea, but caution that a large and powerful party would be needed.

    OOC: This would be something like the "Spring Cleaning" of the Peltarch Sewers and Barrows that Ashena led last month, where we try to enter every nook and cranny to see what is there. I will try to set something up IG this Sunday or Monday. Since many of those involved are European Zone players, it will likely be late afternoon USA time. Six people should be enough, and we don't have to have a DM, (unless they want to!)

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • In a corner, absent minded and with a huge belly, María sits not taking part in the conversation and probably not even listening or paying attention to what's going on

  • Romulus stands near one of the back benches in his Troff Legion cloak, arms folded across his chest, watching and listening. "Ashena already knows that I'm in on this. All the way!"

    Login: AubreyMaturin
    Character: Romulus Grey

  • Standing on the other side by Ashena, Celia observes the members gathered. Her piercing blue eyes lingers briefly on each and everyone in an attempt assess the true committment.

  • Andrew can be seen at every meeting, sitting behind most of the meetings contributors with folded arms, never asking to speak, but always listening carefully to each person speaking, and sometimes nodding firmly when he strongly agrees a particular speech.

  • Standing quietly beside Ashena, Allestor curls up a warm smile as voices raise and pledges are made, waiting patiently for things to get down to the nitty gritty.

  • Beourn BattleMail proudly steps forward, his beard intricately braided for the meeting. He bows lightly to Ashena before speaking.

    Bout time we put this stinkin' corpse Fendon t'rest once an fer all. Ye can count me amongst yer allies when the time comes.

  • From a spot near the back, unnoticed, Val makes herself known.

    Whether by my life or my death I can aid you, I will. You have my sword.

  • _Another meeting is called for at the Morninglord's temple, Ashena personally visiting the Silver Valley, Norwick's town hall and the Dwarven Hold to invite those willing and able to take up arms against the undead. This time, concrete plans will be made, she says, giving all those she meets a calm and solemn smile before marching off to the next place, long braid dancing against her back.

    Once enough people have gathered, the young paladin raises her voice to speak:_

    "Thank you all for coming today. As you know, the time of truce 'tween Norwick and the bugbear forces is drawing to a close, and Fendon rests within the crypts still, undefeated. After a period of calm, the dark undead forces are once more stirring, and rest assured, this threat - a threat to all living things - shall not go away until WE make it so!

    The time to act draws neigh, e'en while the heroes of the land seem ever fewer. But we are not beaten yet, nor without allies in this fight.

    The creature called the Alchemist has offered to fight with us, alongside the golems he has created for this cause. Most of you know of this being - a towering flesh golem of most unusual intellect, and great strength. He rose up against the wicked necromancers who created him and became his own master, dedicated now to fighting just these types of dark arts. I have accepted his offer of aid because our need is so dire, but also I consider him earnest and free of malice.

    The proposed plan is simple, yet accomplishing it shall be no simple feat. Instead of waiting and fending Fendon off… "

    She coughs, a little guilty looking at the inadvertant pun, before resuming her thread of thought:

    "…we take the fight to him, aided by the golems the Alchemist has made. One group of sufficient strength shall delve deep into the crypts themselves, to seek Fendon out and issue challenge, that we may defeat his physical form. This is difficult, but possible, requiring great skills in melee and an array of backup in arcane and divine magics. Once defeated, he and his accursed blade shall turn to red mist, as we know.

    Instead of following the mist or attempting to trap it, we instead pause there, allowing Fendon the time to get away, to seek his sarchophagus where he may reform with the greatest ease. The spells suggested to locate him may be used, but it is of great importance not to alert him to this as the Alchemist deems it is possible for Fendon to reform anywhere he so chooses, alongside the sword.

    Maria's earlier scrying and the strong wards surrounding it suggests that Fendon's resting place likely lies beyond the purple door - which is locked and trapped, allowing none but undead to pass. But some amongst us have bypassed it before, and the Alchemist is confident he can break it down for us. At the first group's signal, a second and equally strong team shall then be put into motion, moving through the purple door with the Alchemist and several of his golems to seek out Fendon's coffin, and there end him. We must beware that the sword itself might hold considerable taint, and so allow none but those strongest of will to hold it. Ideally, we might destroy it without e'en touching it.

    This is the basic layout of the plan, details yet to be hammered out in full. Whether tis feasable will largely depend upon who answers the call. That, then, is the first and most important question. Who will fight for Norwick, for Narfell, for ~life itself~?"

    Ashena gazes out at the assembled men and women at the temple, her brown eyes at once soft and filled with an unyielding, steely determination.

    ((Help Wanted sign-ups to come))

  • ::Rith mentions the possibility of utilizing Discern Location, which she is capable of performing herself::

  • A little later, when everyone hopefully is gathered once more, Ashena looks her notes over, speaking:

    "I've tasked lady Val with learning more about Fendon's sword, with the hopes of then being able to choose the right strategy to destroy it and himself. She will be busy with this for now, but had the following suggestions for us to mull over in the meanwhile:

    In terms of tracking Fendon down, Val recommends the spell Locate Object. A priest able to access third circle blessings could cast it, and if they have trained to do so, extend the duration, giving us time to follow the directions such a spell gives to find Fendon and his resting place.

    If the item is warded against such things, then she suggests we may have better luck with a Find the Path spell, or even Scrying. Maria was able to scry Fendon before, after all.

    A third option would negate the need to even follow him. If one was to destroy him, and then have a mage able to cast seventh circle spells on hand, they could cast Forcecage on him. It would last long enough that he would be permanently destroyed before the spell ended, and therefore all that would need to be done would be to defend the Forcecage until that time expires. To be clear, Forcecage would trap the mist for at least 26 hours, which should be long enough to see him destroyed (if he is anything like a vampire. He seems to be some Vampire/Lich hybrid in terms of powers and weaknesses, Val thinks).

    The third is currently Val's preferred option, as it is tactically more sound and safer, but she is not yet sure how viable it is.

    First of all, is there anyone able to cast such a spell amongst us? Secondly, could he escape or resist such a trap (we have been told he is quite able when it comes to resisting magic)? And thirdly, will trapping the mist thusly truly destroy Fendon? I am hoping her current research will give insight into the latter part, and thought that Maria may have thoughts on the first couple of suggestions."

  • Ashena shakes her head to Dwin, replying:

    "I am fairly certain the mercenaries are not related to Norwick's current troubles, as none of our allies have had a hand in hiring them, nor do they show the slightest interest in local problems.

    I and several others rode out to meet with their leader, a Captain Novsky, hoping to learn more. While he recieved us with at least a moderate sense of politeness, t'was soon apparant that he is under orders not to reveal his true employer, nor the details of their contract. From the conversation, I deduced that these men are payed handsomely to not ask, nor answer, questions.

    They are here for a specific task - 'destroying a great evil' as Novsky offhandedly put it - but I got the distinct impression that they know only as much as their employer decided they need to. They are paid to follow orders, and not to think overmuch about the why - and also, they are expressedly forbidden to involve any locals."

  • Dwin clears his throat and speaks

    I am heading to the mercenary camps north of the Realm, as an emissary of sorts. Does anyone here know what business they have, or who they are working with? Are they related, in any way, to these issues?

  • "I see the way forwards in the following stages: find the Shroud, and with the help of this and other relics, and the strength of our allied faithfuls, perform the ritual of Hallowing. Likely Fendon will oppose the ritual, so strength of arms is needed to safe-guard the priests during their work.

    Then, having at least temporarily made Norwick itself safe from the undead, we continue on deal with Fendon himself. Squire Allestor's idea has clear merit, and lady Val has further suggestions that I will present once Maria has returned, as her magical expertise will be helpful in discussing the feasability of the ideas presented. I have also asked lady Val to seek further knowledge of Fendon's sword, so that we can better choose our strategy to destroy it."

  • Sirion steps out into the day light and walks to the inn, where a horse waits for him.

  • Celia has been standing quietly in the background, hands clasped before her, observing what appears to be some sort of debating contest.

    Her only purpose is to give mademoiselle Ashena Teroldys, her unbending support, in what ever decision is made. Human, elf, or dwarf it doesnt matter as she quietly whispers mostly to herself:

    "Lichblade or not. Ze good land az ve know it iz our mutual rezponsibility to keep safe from vat ever evil iz. I 'ave lozt many brothers and sisters to a similar fate, it make no differenze to me. I'd zay ve engage.. and vait no longer

  • _Sirion listen and nods. "Thank you."

    "I will not wish you luck. I give you only this simple promise. Those who fall into undeath will find the experience brief."_

  • Fer farks sake, lad!

    Whaa ye din't sy sum like dat afores? Ah kin call fer such blessins''. Der's two thins, dough. First, iffin ah r'members, tis juss fer me an mebee three four folks mur.

    'nd, ah doan thin' dem crystals kin hold it.

    'nd aye, elf der must leav' now. As ee said, ee doan need ter know.

    crosses arms over chest and waits for Sirion to go