Whispers at the Fire

  • The advisor spends some time talking with the guard at the south gate, asking about who was involved in the murder and the details of what happened. He takes down notes in his book and heads to the barracks.

  • Rumor has it that a man was killed right outside the South Gate by a half-orc clad in black full plate, after he agreed to help someone else kill a brown bear in the cave just south of the lake. Before that, he was having a polite conversation with the guards, and he never even got a chance to retaliate before being slaughtered. A dwarven mage also present even casted Hold Person on the two guards when they attempted to intervene.

  • Foilir spoke to the armor in Norwick. Thorin is kin of his, long buried under the Nars.

  • Rumour has it that Rando and Shad ran into a ghostly armour that said it was Thorin and Dwin. the voice of Dwin sounded in distress and need help. The tried to restrain this creature, but after a short fight the creature escaped. THe voice of Thorin said it was looking for kin

  • Cyan Cardinale tells the guards of a threat of death placed on himself and his travelling companion by a halfling/gnome (not 100% Sure which) with razor sharp teeth

  • A group of dwarves where seen in conversation with a disembodied set of dwarven armour. Names from the past were uttered, Thorin seemed prevalent amongst them. The confused looking dwarves followed the armour somehow conversing with it and looking startled at the answers it gave. After the armour left, the dwarves left north looking deeply concerned. Some say that it is the ghost of a long dead dwarf, others that Moradin is displeased with the state of the dwarven heart in the region. Yet others say it was just a hin in a set of armour with an elaborate set of strings and pulleys.

  • turns to the guards

    " anyone comes out of those gates, arrest them"

  • So much fer the undead stayin on their side of the fence.

    I want them gates locked. If ANYONE is caught inside the cemetery, and they make it out alive, I want em tossed in jail. I dont care if they are legionnaires, priests, or what have ya. They'll be no more stirrin the hornets nest.

    Dwin heads off to the Chancellors office with Foilir, Lucid, Rando, and the rest of the town leaders to discuss a 'solution'.

  • _A weary looking dwarf appears from the Boarshead, odd scratches leaving bone colored marks down his armor, the charred marks of burns randomly scattered over his plates.

    Countless hours before, an undead horde approached the town. Too many to be defeated, as the undead's thirst was stronger than the force gathered.

    The dwarf let those who wanted to fight leave the gates, and once they were on the other side, locked them securely.

    The battles raged for hours, but the damage to Norwick was minimized as the fighting occurred outside the walls.

    One Norwick citizen fell, due to a few undead that had come from the south, but the majority had been held at bay._

  • after hearding that they are mentioning both yuan-ti and drow, Dwin orders guards to question them and ask them exactly what they saw, and where, and makes it clear that a lack of cooperation will have negative effects on their current not-being-in-jail status.

  • A woman, a man and an elf went into the Rawlinswood and after their return they guarded the non-existant gate in place of the militia for a good part of the night. They also seem to mention Yuan-Ti and Drow from time to time. Whether they met either species, or were merely exchanging one of the many rumors about this, is anyone's guess.

  • Rumor has it that the captain of the guard had someone jailed for flaunting victories in the past. And he wasnt the one that lost then… imagine what he might do if he was the one that was lost?

  • rumor has it… Vincent was the victor in the most recent fight night.. from the sounds of the battle and of the crowd, he was definately not favored to win against the captain of the militia.

  • _Under the light of a full moon, Dwin and 6 Guardsmen escort a caravan of mule-drawn carts into town. Once they close the interior gate, you can almost hear a sigh of relief. The trailing guardsmen both carry some crude weapons, most likely some hobgolin-booty that was "picked up" along the way.

    The procession heads directly to the Union Hall, where Dwin supervises the unloading of many crates into the hall. Some are large, some are small. One slips from the weary hands of a guard and spills what appear to be shiny ingots on the ground. They are quickly picked up and brought inside.

    After the work is done, Dwin is seen passing out ale to the guards and thanking them personally. The guards are dismissed, and they mostly head towards the Boars Head, reportedly discussing what they are going to do with their new found time off, and whether or not they will enjoy it before "the battle."

    Dwin stands for a long time staring at the front of the Norwick tradehall with a small crate at his feet. He walks over and uses his silver smithing hammer to fix a piece of clapboard that was beginning to fall off.

    This doorstep was where he first arrived in Narfell… back when there was no rusty padlock on the door. He has spent more time here than anywhere else in these lands... shared more ale standing inside his walls...heard more anvil-strikes than anywhere else. He remembers rebuilding it from the ashes of an arsonist's abuse. He crafted his first helm here. He mastered his craft here. His own silver armor was crafted on her anvils. His great friendships were forged here... the people he trusts the most in life.

    He touches the side of the hall with weathered hands and smiles. He reaches into the crate at his feet and pulls out a small sign which he promptly nails to the wall next to the door. The sign simply says, "Crafter's Union Headquarters"_.

    Tis time fer Norwick to shine again. Aye, Shine with gold.

  • A small contingent of Black Sails together with the valiant guards posted at the south gate of Norwick recently defended the town from an attack by goblins. It started with several assassins scaling the walls and attacking the adventurers by the fire, then it escalated into a mass attack with hundreds of goblins falling. Luckily for the few defenders, the bulk of the incoming attackers were not hightly trained. It is speculated that perhaps the attack might be some sort of coming of age test for young goblin warriors, but unfortunately for them, it ended quite brutally and messily.

  • Dwin Grunts

    I been tryin to set sumtin up like that fer a while.

    ANy o you folks got any friends in Jiyyd? they need convincin'.

  • The adventurer Lope can be overheard in the Boarshead praising Advisor Lucidious and the Norwick Militia for their quick response to her exposure of the Black-Robe Highwayman within Norwick's walls.

    _"…and when we confronted him, he tried to claim it wasn't any of our business because, get this, the robbery in question had occured nearer to Jiyyd than Norwick! Well, the Advisor wasn't having any of that.

    "Really, though, there ought to be some sort of road-patrol corps jointly sponsored by Jiyyd and Norwick to deal with that stretch, and a common jurisdiction to deal with this sort of thing! 'Rob in Norwick, run to Jiyyd, rob in Jiyyd, run to Norwick' isn't my idea of a good state of affairs."_


  • _Citizens talk of a strange incident within Norwick. It seems a black robed man was accused of robbing another adventurer and then attempting to sell the stolen goods in Norwick. It turned into a chase around Norwick, blue missles and lightning bolts came from nowhere, hitting a few militia members. One of the militia, Shay, almost caught him, but she did leave some bruises on the man.

    Travelers now complain of being robbed by a black robed man on their way to Norwick. Guards recommend bringing an escort before traveling into the pass._

  • Lucidious emerges from his office one evening with an empty pack and a small case of wine. He carefully closes and locks the door, checking it twice to be sure, then posts a sign

    "Away on busness."

    he heads out the north gate, then west toward spellweaver.

  • It is rumored more drow have been encountered in the Rawlinswood. Apparently two men boasted about killing one to some guards.