Whispers at the Fire

  • _Dwin smiles as he sees his old friend Milshot seeming much happier and content. "Things could have turned out much worse," he thinks to himself.

    As Milshot passes a group of young lads, Dwin strolls over to them and smiles._

    That fella, Milshot? Aye… He's what we call a 'Champion o Norwick' around here! See that longsword at his side! Its as special as Norwick and Milshot emselves.

    You lads play it right, maybe you'll be champions some day too, eh? First we got to get ya into some Militia uniforms and huntin greenskins! whaddya say?!

    Any o you lads think you can hit a bullseye? I got a lollipop fer the first one to do it!

    Dwin ushers the children into the courtyard and hands them some darts and slings to practice with. He muses, "Considerin' whats outside the walls o this town, things are pretty farkin good inside."

  • The former chancellor is seen out and about regularly as of late. He looks well rested and the 'crazed' look in his eye is gone now as well. He strolls the town taking time to speak with the guards as well as the commonfolk that he happens across exchanging pleasantries and the whatnot.

  • Chaevre' wherever she may be lurking, cannot help but laugh to herself as she hears these rumors about meetings between the snakes and the heroes, meanwhile the tempurature in and around Jiyyd seems to plummet to dangerously freezing levels however only during the day, at night the tempuratures return to normal.

  • More trouble in the woods from both Drow and Yuan Ti. It seems that some negotiations between the snakes and various prominent organizations didn't produce clear results.

    Occasional attacks by drow and spiders following the meeting might show that they fear an alliance between the goodly folk and the Yuan Ti. Once again, rumours of the destructive, magic-warping, orbs dominates fears for the future.

  • _A few days ago, Mercy, festering cleric of Umberlee was seen swaggering into the Rawlins, cutlass in paw. After spending a gleeful hour or two exchanging shots with grenadiers and juidiciously dodging the combat between "yon talkin', wheezin' handbag" - Steelfin - and a forked-tongued assassin, she was cornered by the whacko tree-worrier Wolf.

    Their discussion had the spice of disagreement in it, the matter, as related to the patrons of the Boarshead after, was the slaughter of some pasty-faced white stag. Apparently, the brave druid paid the dwarfen witch off to leave the wee deer alone. Argh, says I, wi' a wanion!_

  • _The druid Wolf and William were seen coming through the southern gates of Norwick, looking very weary. The druid was carrying the lifeless body of the new archdruid, Raisa. She was taken to the friar's and is now recovering.

    What happened is vague, though the guards mention they heard mumblings of Yaun-ti and Drow. It seems the three of them ran into some bad luck on a routine patrol._

  • While rumors still abound as to the whereabouts of Riannon, the latest ones springing up have it that her leg was broken at the behest of a criminal organization due to a gambling related dispute. Others say that they've heard she was deathly ill, and hasn't left a bed for weeks.

  • Word also spreads of a mean goblin shaman making animals undead. It is said that several animals along with many of his heavily tattooed goblin cronies were slain by a small group consisting of a dwarf, a hin, an elf, and two men. Word also spreads slowly that the shamans gnome buddy was slain again, but that this time the hins gathered her ashes kept them in a bag. Silly people, who would keep a gnome in a bag?

  • Perhaps surprisingly, Keira is keen to check reports of where and when and how. Can it be that she cares for someone, or does she have -other- plans for Lucidious' sister?

  • Word has it around the Boarshead is that Lucidious' sister was captured by goblins and has been missing for months.

  • every so often, the chancellor can be found talking with mord as the recruit goest though his routine. He seems rather pleased with the half orc's attitude as well as his abilties.

  • Mord leans agains the post on the tower by the south gate only to straighten now and then and lift his bow to unleash several arrows towards the lake

    If one looked out the south gate they could see the large orcish figure jogging slowly around the lake, an occasional arrow coming very close, depending on the light and Mords weakening eyesight

    His aim seemed exceedingly poor if a goblin or two charged the large unarmed figure

    He smiles thinly and drew slowly on the large bow, cursing softly at his aching ribs from the morning bout with staves twinged

  • Rando goes over to see Mord whilst he is on guard duty and says

    " make sure that Halfer is put though his paces like you were, i want him up to speed quickly. i am placing him under your care….. don't fail me."

    the last bit is said in Rando's typical blunt way

  • Besk is seen doing his duties with a smile on his face

  • Mord bangs on the recruits bed in the middle of the night and hustles him out in full gear. He points to several large boxes on the geround and instructs the orc to rush them to Sam's hill and gives him a sealed envelope to deliver to the guard on duty Ye best hurry lad, they be needin this right away. The boxes are extremely heavy when picked up and somwhat awkward to carry. Mord smiles thinly as the orc heads north into the dark

    Arriving at the Hill the boxes are received the and the guad reads the missive, chuckles dryly and has him unload the rocks from the box. He hands the orc a shovel and orders him to fill the box with sand and then has him hurry back to Norwick

    Mord is waiting near the gate and has Besk carry the box to the garden behind the Boarshead and empty it carefully near the cabbages. He then instructs the recruit to get some sleep afore his duty rounds at dawn

    The next day Mord has him at the archery butts with longbow and throwing axe.

    ((The same sort of thing goes on for a week, seemingly heavy long tasks mixed with bouts of heavy weapons training))

  • A large orc kin (Besk) has been seen lugging large crates back and forth to Sam's Hill at odd hours of the night. Mord can usually be seen watching him from the north guard towers if any care to notice.

  • Rando is seen talking to the guards at the south gate asking who this 'pompous' dwarf is and to what he complaining about and asks them

    "send him to me and we will have a little 'chat' in a quiet corner of town"

  • The "pompous dwarf" receives Dwin's message by proxy. However, he expresses a desire to only speak to the chancellor at this point in time, returning a message of thanks for the offer of audience despite his declination

    //post above was me, didn't realise on room-mate's account >.<

  • Legion


  • Dwin asks that the pompous dwarf be sent his way should he require to submit any "complaints."