Character profiles
While searching for John Doe stories in our former forum i found back the following post :
This is (obviously) an OOC discussion on the tendencies and personalty of your character… If they have tendencies/personalities that are hidden beneath their surface and that you do not want people to know about even OOC, then just post what type of character yours is trying to fake being
Character Profiles really help to avoid the 'generic RP' problem (that is, talking in-character but not making any real comments or choices based upon your character's personality). They also lay down a guideline for yourself so you can know clearly how your character would react in most situations.
Some people have a vague notion of their character and thus find it difficult to do any RPing that really stands out, or end up being erratic with their choices or with the things they say. Simply putting down a profile really helps to clear this up and give you a good idea of who your character is.
I'll start off with Erelad:
-Erelad seeks Justice. He wants evil to be eliminated entirely.
-Erelad tends to skip the immediate issue and jump straight into the bigger problem. If someone is hurt, he'll pay less attention to their injuries/well-being and more attention to stopping whatever caused them (even to the extent of questioning the injured person). By the same token, he is good at ignoring what someone is saying and looking beyond it (reading between the lines).
-Erelad wants fame. He wants not just to further the cause of good, but he wants people to know that he did it.
-Erelad is a jolly fellow. He laughs a lot and smiles a lot, and when he's not sure how to reply to something he might fill the silence with a laugh.
-Erelad always wants in on the important things. If something's happening, he wants to know about it and help to further the cause of good in that situation.
-Erelad can't stand not know things; it often overrides his consideration for other people's privacy. He wants to know anything and everything. He hates mysteries, and he hates it when he can't figure out someone's motives.
I really liked the idea, and decide to begin a new one. I hope you will enjoy the idea too.
We miss you EreladPS: Did i mention Gim intended to reward the character profiles too, as they are not entirely ooc stuff :mrgreen:
Physical Traits:
Brown/Red hair about shoulders length
Slightly Clean in her appearence, but seems to enjoy the dirty look
Hieght 5'10 Weight 127(Is 5'11 and 134 but she lies)
Darker Complextion of Fair skin due to her adventures exposure to the Suns.
Always has something on her mind, but it usually is kept deep down inside.
Fond of animals, and enjoy's close friendship.
Character Traits:
Kaliya is a well traveled adventurer, who seems to seek fond relationship's with men, as that of her father before he had past on.
Her ambitious, sometimes OCD-ADHDD(obsessive compulsive dissorder)(Attention Deficit Hyper Deficit Disorder) personality makes people annoyed with her, (not only is she overzealous of one thing at a time, she has multiple things she is obsessed with during a conversation, But she also moves on to other things to become obsessed with)
Heart felt emotions of close friends dying or realitives often make her sad and cry, these emotions are usually expressed when people around her speak of death or destruction.
Lacks, physical manners while eatting and often times people are disgusted when eatting around her, (she didn't come from Royality)
She's fights for what is good and righteous, but often times she doesn't brag about being of good nature to fellow travelers lest they think she is better then them, sinless or without any evil inside her like a Paladin, and rebuke her, (find some fault with what she is doing). She keeps a humble head, but also can be overzealously egotistical when doing something she wants people to react to in favor(she will pat herself on the back if need be). She doesn't look for favor and often times people hate to give her a kind Thank You, or she might go on for hours how she saved your life or didn't or how you died and she was soooo sorry.
The Personality of Kaliya
Lyte Bry'Gaede:
Name: Lyte
Sex: Female
Race: elf
Age: Arrived in a diplomatic capacity from the Elven Encampment at Norwick in Oct. '04. at the tender age of 120:
Denomination: Bushi in the Service of Mielikki, (Think of one of the famous Medieval Japanese Warrior-Priests, but serving a nature God). The term "Bushi" derives from the Japanese word "Bushido", which literally translates to "one who serves".Physical Description:
Neither Bard nor Paladin, Lyte still rivals these classes with her huge natural presence, charms and good looks. Her charisma is inspirational and catching. She radiates friendliness and warmth to those around her, with a wide and warm beaming smile.Lyte is medium height and weight for a woman elf. She is lean and muscular, narrow waisted and curvey. She has delicate shoulders, long graceful neck and hands.
She seems strong, agile and very healthy. Physically balanced, might be a good way to describe her.
Her eyes are large and distinctive, a pale, silver grey with intense, large pupils that command attention. Her mouth is wide and full, her hair an autumn leaf red, generally braided and enhanced with small green silk ties.
Lyte's skin is an unusually pale alabaster, with a hint of pale yellow, as if reflecting moonlight.
Lyte is extremely fashion conscious. She claims the Lady Mielikki Blesses her through her physical beauty and presence, and that she does what she can to enhance the gifts the the Lady has given her.
Some think she is just vain.
In any case, young Lyte attracts men and women alike like a moth to a flame. She is easy on the eyes, witty and pleasant to talk to, and is seen upon occcasion to waggle a hip or bat an eyelash with aplomb…though to date, no one can definatively say with whom she might have shared a bed...she surely must have her pick of the eligible unattached persons around Jiyyd.
When on duty in town, Lyte can be seen in a quite stunning and custom made set of tight fitting plate armor of her own design. She carrys a polished elvish shield, likely from the elf Camp, and always fights with a strong looking bow or a long and light curved blade which she calls a "katana".
In battle, this firebrand seems to rely on speed, agility and Blessings from her Goddess, rather than brute strength. She tends to shout quite a lot during fights, and uses rather exotic looking attack and defensive postures while fighting, in a very disciplined manner.
While Lyte enjoys owning good equipment and stylish clothes, she feels it is a sin to wallow too deeply in wealth, and is known to freely use the coin she has to raise others, contribute to the poor, and generally do good.
She firmly believes in karma, preaching a "do unto others" sort of philosophy to others.
She devoutly worships Mielikki, and prays often. She gladly introduces all she can to her Goddess. She is quite tolerant of other's Gods, unless they practice evil deeds.
Rather than the tradional soft and helpless female, Lyte is quite independant, strong willed and is more than capable in leadership roles. She often tends to take over groups, falling into a role of making decisions.
Lyte is slow to anger or judge on the basis of rumors. She tends to act on peoples actions, rather than on words or threats.
She cannot, however, tolerate bullys or thieves. She often will step in to defend those incapable of defending themselves.
Once committed to a specific action, Lyte's tendency is to charge ahead. She can be extremely stubborn, which works to her favor about as often as it does against her.
On the battlefield, Lyte can be shrewd. She prefers a plan before plowing ahead, and has an excellent head for the strategic elements…the reading of maps, and the preparatory work going into planning a battle, but once engaged, she does tend to plow ahead.
One of her weaknesses, perhaps, is the feelings of responsibility she carrys for the soldiers under her in the Legion. She tends to blame herself when things go awry and people get killed, and sees the men and women under her command as her family.
This has had the tendency to inspire loyalty, however, in those who serve under this hard fighting elf, and the trait perhaps, has led to many that know her, to love her.
On the outside, Lyte appears nigh perfect. However, Lyte is a rather deceptive personality in that the aura that she projects, one of happiness and confidence, may be a veneer covering issues she cannot or will not deal with. Only her closest friends might be privy to a darker side of this beautiful Moon Elf, one that she will not readily talk about.
Lyte's father was Ir'yn Bry'Gaede, the Quartermaster of the Elvish Encampment, south of Norwick. She grew up in one of the wealthier, more aristocratic families of this very simple, isolated and woodland setting. Thus, she is well schooled and mannered, but has more of a country air than a city bred elf.
It is reputed the Lyte's mother, one Lysyndra Bry'Gaede. died tragically to bugbears, and that Lyte may have witnessed this as quite a young girl, but details are sketchy, and Lyte does not discuss it.
It is also clear that Lyte and her father were not on speaking terms when her father perished, quite recently, when a terrible demon and it's minions destroyed the encampment.
Some whisper that the demon was actually captured by the Legion before this occured, and that Lyte had some part in guarding it, but that it escaped.
Again, it seems a matter Lyte does not openly talk about.
Lyte has been a stalwart member of the Troff Legion in the town of Jiyyd, since leaving her diplomatic post in Norwick, at the end of the War with the Defiler, a decade or so ago.
Her rise throught the ranks there has been swift and some of the townsfolk say this is due to her beauty and sex appeal, while others, mostly the Legion brethren around her, claim her quick rise was due to her natural skills, her good nature and attitude, and her utter committment to the Legion.
In any case, things are seldom dull around this lovely, fiesty elf, who can be seen patrolling with a squad near Jiyyd, or guarding it's gates, by passers-by who visit the region.
Freya Lyonars
Age: 23
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 96 lbs.Description:
Freya is a red head with blue eyes and and a very fair complexion.
Her cheeks are decorated with small freckles, and a strand of curled hair (which she can often be found twirling around her finger when she is in thought) seems to everpresently fall just to the left of her nose.Her physical appearance seems to imply that she doesn't really get out much, as her build seems to lack any muscle, and her skin is pale white as if she has seen very little sun in her life.
At first glance, she appears youthful and energetic, mostly due to her immense obsession with magical items. It seems an obsession, really. Any item she thinks is magical, she feels she MUST examine it, and figure out what it does. This is quite odd, really, as she never really feels the desire to OWN any of these items. (Low Str and Con)
If you ever catch her eyes, however, you will see inside a spark of understanding well beyond her years. As well, she tends to use a wider variety in her diction than the average person. Large words seem to come from her mouth that don't seem to fit the youthful tone of her voice.
Despite the fact that she was raised in a Temple, she does not seem cloystered at all. She is very open with people and, on occasion, she can seem likable when she desires to. (Cha 16)
Her typical dress is a red scholarly robe, though sometimes she can be seen wearing a blue one during formal events. Always present on her nose are a pair of small reading glasses, which seem on the brink of falling off the tip of her nose when she's not actively reading.
When you look at this young halfling, the first thing that you will notice is that he is constantly moving, tapping his fingers, or just generally jumping up and down. His eyes are a gold-flecked green and his hair jet black. His voice has a lyrical ring to it and heis always fascinated by nature. A cheerful and carefree halfing by nature (aren't they all). Except he is extremely sarcastic. (I'm not sure how to type sarcasm!)
As a child Nazkha was brought up in the forest by his parents, the lived ina modest wooden house and he would go out and chop wood with his father everyday and then sell it in Norrick.
If it weren't for a particular encounter that Nazkha had in the forest one day, he would probably still be a woodsman now…As usual, Nazkha woke up, had breakfast with his parents and then lept up and into his daily routine. He walked further than usaul that day, far out into the forest, along the vales and rivers, marvelling at the beautious harmony of the foroest that surrounded him. He sat down underneath a large oak beside a burbling brook, with the wind blowing wisps of hair across his face. He looked up and saw speckles of sunlight sparkling a brilliant green between the leaves. He sighed, knowing that it was at moments like these that he was truly happy. his eyes became heavy and he fell asleep in the warm caress of the sun.
Nazkha woke up to a sharp pain in his side. Groaning he looked up and saw beautiful green eyes staring into his. Shocked, he stunbled back, tripped over a root and fell flat on his back. He heard a laughter and he looked up, rubbing a sore bump on his head. efore him stod the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. A girl, except her skin and hair were green, and her eyes sparkled magically. She cocked her head sideways and looked at Nazkha, with a faint smile on her lips.
"He-e-llo?" Nazkha stammered. The girl skipped towards him and put her face close to his.
"You have beautiful eyes." she said. He felt her breath and his heart beat painfully fast. He gulped.
"Ummm... thankyou." He felt like he was rooted to the spot. The girl then took a step back.
"I'll give you a gift. Here." She then closed her eyes. An aura of stillness seemed to reach out and touch everything about her. The wind, birds and trees all seemed to be intent upon this small girl. Silence. Then, like the breaking of dawn upon the land her voice cascaded across Nazkha. His soul felt as if it were flying on air. The song twirled and meandered, danced and laughedm sighed and wept. The last note fell, quivering with fear.
Her gaze then fell upon him. "You must help me, I sense a foul presence within the forest. I know of your love of nature, and in order for you to pretect it, nature will return that love." She then laid her hand on Naxkha's bosom, she felt the blood pounding in his veins, his vitality. Gathering her strength she channeled the very life force of the forest into her palm. Nazkha felt strength flowing into his body, changing him. He closed his eyes and let the energry course through his very blood. Eventually she stopped and lay on the ground.
"That was a blood pact you made with this forest, to protect and serve it. I know not what exactly this presence is. Go into Norrick and discover what you can. I shall wait for you here."
She caressed Nazkha's cheek and whispered something. Nazkha heard the padding of feet and looked to his left. There stood a grey wolf with green, gold-flecked eyes. It felt he was looking at his own brother.
The girl walked over to the wolf and stroked his back. "This is Fang, since you now have been tied to this forest, he is tied to you also. He will aid you, be your companion and friend. Treat him well and with respect and you shall have his loyalty until death."
"Go now, Nazkha." With that she disappeared into the forest.
Nazkha smiled and leaned back against the tree. Fang padded up to him looked expectantly into his eyes. Nazkha nodded.Nazkha:
The bond with nature has several effects:
He also has strange writhing green tattoes on his arms and legs, almost as if they are alive.
He also has green hair.
login: SarahSmiles
char: Sul'lina/Darryanna/Pinkyoriginally know as Pinky then as Darryanna and finally as Sul'lina
Most commonly goes by Sul'lina, but prefers those she loves to call her by the name her father called hre Darryanna. //only bruno, karion, gidush or vrugar would ever call her pinky and not risk lossing a thumb in thier sleep.Sul'lina stands just under 5 feet tall ((despite the description…can we get a rebuild for ADHD?)) and has raven black hair with a bright pink streak on the left side, it hangs about a foot past her shoulders. She has very bright sea green eyes that are rather expressive, she has not yet learned very well to hide the emotion reflected in them.
Sul is fiercly loyal to those she has given her love to, but none more so then her child Jynai, she will and often has died rather then leave a fallen or wounded companion.
When seen she is often brash and smart mouthed, concealing a keen intellect that lies beneth. She teases almost anyone freely, unaware of how it will effect others until after she has already spoken her mind.
Sul was adrift at the tender age of 90 and a mother by the age of 120. She seems often childlike, sneaking up and tickling or jumping on friends or playing pranks. The few times she is completely serious is when she is with her her child or confronted with the pain of someone she cares for.
-speaks many languages
- Common
- Elven
- Orcish //taught to her by Vrugar, and Gidush
- Dwarven //learned in dorn's deep...coming to a tale by the fire soon
- Hin //studied because she just thinks the little folk are uber cute :lol:
// all langs supported by a 16 int - 3 additional langs )
Those who have traveled with Sul know she is not a major combatent but has lots of skills to support and aid her friends, despite this she has trouble staying out of the thick of battles in which she is obviously outclassed.
fiercely loyal, joy loving, passionate, short tempered, and quirky
LOGIN: C.Wood2nd lvl LG Lightfoot Fighter/Former 2nd lvl Cleric of Arvoreen, formerly of Torm
x' xx" tall, weighs xx Lbs. Pink hair and x EyesStats: 1x Str, 1x Dex, 1x Con, 1x Int, 1x Wis, 1x Chr
Faith: Arvoreen, some faith to Torm
Clerical Domains:
Quirks and phyical notes:has numberous small scars on her body, earned through combat.
_Born Ginnia Katina Quick Stout on the 7th month of the year 13XX, dale reckoning, this hin has always displaced a strike of blunt talk. Militant and daring, she is unafraid to speak her mind, wisely or not if she feels it's prudent to do so. Raised to worship the Human deity Torm, her faith has shifted to the proper hin worship of Arvoreen during her training as a Alcolyte of the Defender.
The hin was raised up in the docks district of Baldur's Gate and learned the trade of the sword early on blessed with exceptional hand-eye coordination, she trained toward duel weld combat and grew in minor fame as a fearless maiden, being able to deflect many blows with her trademark daggers. Indeed, she earned the unofficial title of 'Parry Queen' not long before her explosion from the 'Gate.
Her travels have been less than kind and the circumstances that forced her to arrive in the town of Narfel are less than glamorous to the fiercely independant Law Doer. She obeys the law and defends it but she takes little grief from those who blindly decalre the laws in a unblinking or idiotic fashion. She leans heavily towards Neutral Good attitudes in that fashion._
A char rebuild request is pending, as i wish to make Ginnia more a mirror to her original stat form on 'The Vast' PW Server.
Tando "Gears" Slipperyfoot
Lightfoot Halfling RogueYoung halfling in his early twenties. Very light, shaggy blonde hair hanging loosely around his face. Very lean but not overly muscly. Not exceptionally handsome or ugly, but likable enough as a casual companion.
What he wants
-To obtain more money by most any means, legitimate or not.-To improve his skills.
-And to get a little lovin' along the way.
What he's like
-Often takes a mocking or sarcastic tone, and maybe adds in a flippant comment or two.-Tries to charm the ladies (especially the hins) from time to time, even if he's not particularly good at it.
-Smirks more than he smiles, and snickers more than he laughs.
-A bit arrogant at times.
-Otherwise, generally laidback.
-Almost always gives out his nickname in place of his real name to maintain an air of anonymity, which is preferrable in his profession.
-Becomes extremely indignant when people accuse him of thievery or tell him to move away simply because he's a halfling, a people with a reputation for being rogues.
-He will always help and be true to his friends.-He will steal from most everyone else. If he wants something, he'll try to get it however he can.
-Won't kill women or children.
-Sees nothing wrong with using underhanded methods in combat. In fact, he considers it his right as a person only three feet tall in a world of people at least two feet bigger than he is.
-Feels that the halflings need to stick together, and will be more helpful and friendly to them than other races in most cases. Unless one of them starts to annoy him.
[edited out]
Nathen Wingates
yes indeed
Ginnia Quick Stout, NG Lightfoot Fighter/Priest of Arvoreen (C2/F2)
Feats: Protection Powers Domain; Skill focus: Parry; Dual Weapon Combat; War Powers Domain; Weapon Finesse; Weapon Focus: Short Sword
Stats (at start, bold for level ups): 10 STR 14 DEX 12 CON 12 INT 16 WIS 13 CHR
Alignment (At start): Lawful Good (with a chaotic slant)
Deity: Arvoreen 'the defender'
Ht: 3' 01" Wt: No comment Hair: Pinkish hues Eyes: Blue-grey
Languages known (At start): Hin, Common, Goblin
_Born in destitute and run down part of the bustling port city of Baldur's Gate, Ginnia Quick Stout and her family struggled to exist in shoddy mud huts. Her father was absent, possibly slain in one too many heists he was famous for enacting. Thus Akania Quick Stout slaved on, doing various degrading activities to keep her child fed at night.
Time past and the child-hin became a rambunctious teen, getting into fights with other children her age and often twice as tall as she. (more to be written later)_
Millia, xG Lightfoot Rogue/Mage (R1/W0)
Stats (at start, bold for level ups): 10 STR 16 DEX 12 CON 16 INT 8 WIS 14 CHR
Alignment (At start): x Good
Deity: Brandobaris 'the Master of Stealth' (with nods to Chauntea)
Ht: x Wt: x Hair: Pinkish hues Eyes: x
Languages known (At start): Hin, Common, Elvish, x, x, Orcish
TB written later on
Evana Meyer
Evana's family was killed by goblins when she was seven years old. She hid under her bed and had to watch her mother get eaten. Only one goblin smelled Evana and she by sheer luck killed the goblin with it's own dagger and got out the house to woods. She ran and ran and ran into another goblin pack. The goblins attacked and Evana fainted to her fear. When she woke up, she was in Norwick. Because of this, Evana hates goblins and is going to avenge her family's death by tracking the goblins and killing them in a most horrible way.
Evana has been most of her life in the town of Norwick doing various jobs and performing at the Boarshead inn. She is a good singer and dancer and she can also play pipes and flutes nicely. She also has an innate talent of basic magic an she wonders where it came from. She has much knowledge about magic and music. Evana prefers the word "performer" to the bard, because she isn't a bard to the soul and she doesn't want to watch others do heroic deeds when she does nothing. Evana has started to train in using weaponry, because she needs weapon skill if she is to survive in the world. Evana also has a natural talent of vanishing and reappearing. She knows it is not magic, because it's so natural and easy to her.
Evana is graceful and strong, even though she has a small and fragile looking build. She has gained more fortitude with her years and her sickness is starting to wear off. She has a good memory and she's pretty smart. She can talk very nicely, but she has the habit of saying straight what she thinks about something or someone. Evana is very kind and nice and maybe a little shy. She always helps those in need, her good friends at any cost. She isn't easily strayed from her path or what she thinks is right. Evana isn't too serious and enjoys life when it doesn't come to goblins.
Evana is a human. She has short blueish-black hair, pale skin and deep-blue eyes. She has a small but strong body build and she is a lightweight.
So, in summary: bard/fighter
main skills: hide, move silently, perform, discipline, concentration
height: 170 cm
weight: 68 kg
Excellant idea. It forces one to really consider the qualities of ones character that make them unique.
Green Starfire
A dark complected, skinny, agile, green haired Moon Elf who has made the journey from Belesar, (My 1977-current P&P and now NWN Campaign province which has to be one of the longest running worlds in existance with continuing original players). Her parents died young and tragically in a story much too involved to go into here. Inspired by my RL buddy who played Orion Starfire with huge ability, and died tragically in his early 40s in RL.
Green's home is in whatever glen or wood she finds herself. She has been on her own for a long while, and was raised by her father's best friend, a kindly dwarf named Unca Glum. His isolated home on the side of a mountain has led Green to have great instinctive survival abilities.
She is keenly aware in the wilderness, almost always the first to react in combat, and is most at ease by herself. She is not pretty, having wrestled with survival in harsh environments, and having never had formal elf charm schooling. She is, in fact, quite ignorant of most social institutions, skills, and she is very aware of this state.
She finds herelf in awe when pretty ladies pass by in towns. She gapes. She wonders at their made up faces, so very different than her own green and black stealth paint. Dresses frighten her. Handsome men make her blush, a compliment will cause her to doubt whether she is being teased, and she feels utterly berift of any hope of real companionship with the opposite sex. She has never been kissed.
Her shyness often results in clumsy introductions, odd behaviour, and misinterpeted feelings. She believes she is a fool.
In a big city, she is lost. Walls scare her, although she is inherantly extraordinarily brave and selfless, and will try and smile through any ordeal.
In the wild, she is stealthy, patient, and supremely competant with a bow. Her acknowledgementof her skill with this one thing she knows so intimately well is probably her biggest weakness, as it is a form of pride.
She is a hunter. She moves horribly slowly by plate-mailed-fighter standards, (who prefer to charge in and ask questions later). Green will circle an area before attacking, looking for weaknesses and counting heads. She is patient, sometimes ridiculously so.
While she is clumsy company in a group, she can be very kind, protective and giving to anyone who shows her compassion, or needs a friend. She absolutely will protect the weak and downtrodden, and in cases where she encounters someone in worse shape than her who she felt compelled to help, she will give away her things/gold, perhaps her life, if it came to that.
She is good, yet very flawed. She is hurt easily and slow to anger, but loses control if pushed too far. She is utterly naive with men, hell, with women too. She is deadly honest. She would never, ever loot a fallen stranger, and if she is dividing the earnings of a hunt with another adventurer, especially if she thinks the other hunter is needy, she will give them part of her share, without telling a soul.
Green is hard to play, and I am only coming to grips with her now. I've DMed games for over 25 years, but have had remarkably little time to actually play one character for any length of time.
I wanted to bite off a really interesting character on my first time out, and certainly for my first two weeks, I did poorly. ("What the hell does (e) mean?" was one of Green's first questions!
Wish me luck. :oops:
Arandor Silmarien (Elrin)
Height: 6'6"
Weight: 204 lbs
Hair: A dark, raven black
Eyes: Deep grey
Age: Unknown, mid thirties
Deity: Gwaeron
Race: Human
Class: Ranger/FighterAppearance:
Upon first glance he is a broad-shouldered tall man, taller than most. Handsome features shape his face and his skin is tanned deeply. He looks to be a fighter of sorts given his large build, although he moves about with a certain grace and sureness on his feet unknown to most warriors. His hair hangs just above his shoulders, often tangled in strands from his labours. His is a grim man of face, often rugged and unshaven. His eyes are a deep grey and sparkle slightly silver. His chest is covered in diamond-shaped scars like those of an arrowhead.
He is friendly enough, though he is a silent man. Speaking only when he feels the time is right, and his words are always chosen carefully. He speaks with a certain courtesy and politeness that far off-sets his somewhat rugged appearance. Certain burdens weigh heavily upon him and this is reflected in his face, for more often than not, it would seem he is depressed. Though even in his own sadness, a light is kindled in his eyes when he smiles, heart-warming and kind…
Kira Amra
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 109lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 27
Deity: Umberlee
Race: Human
Class: ClericPersonality: Kira tends to show neither excitement nor sadness, she can be very persuasive with men, and tends to show the same disliking of foolish males as most women do. She shows a great womans intuition and tends to use sarcasm alot when insulting others. Although she isnt very intelligent in the way of academic tasks, she speaks with a fairly standard common accent and also speaks Sailors Tongue. She remains calm under pressure and when in the most angered of times, refrains from bursting out.
Physical: She shows the standard womanly like build, wide hips, slim waist, medium chest. She has wavy like brown hair which is cut to just below the shoulder, she occasionaly gets strands of hair hanging over her forehead. Her skin is tanned and dark which comes from her many decades at sea. She shows some muscle, nothing to big, and she tends to walk, wiggling her hips as most women do. She seems to show no scars, her skin almost fresh as the day she was born, probaly the sea air.
Fighting: When Kira ever gets caught in combat, she shows a bit more dexterity than suspected of a cleric. She tends to keep eye contact with the enemy, occasionaly winking or pulling tongues at them to distract them from one of her lethal swings. She trains in called shots, tending to whip up the enemy before fully engaging them and giving her time to cast spells which normally finish the job.
Ranged: Kira very rarely uses ranged combat, occasionally throwing the odd stone or two at the enemy to leave them open for attack. When fighting along side her crewmates (Deacon Sterr's crew) she tends to hang back producing her divinely spells to her comrades in arms, but also showing no hesitation to get stuck in.
Tyran Buckstai
Elven RangerShe is what one would call "Smart". She tries to think on her wits, but usually fails and makes a complete fool of herself.
She has an unnatural bloodlust, and a want for hunting anything that shows less intelligence than an average dwarf.
She is a complete "Scaredy-Cat" and will run away at the slightest problem.
She has no problems killing and has little, if any, morale code.
She has dedicated her life to becoming rich, famous and loved by all.
She's very slim, and some would say her beauty is "Etheral". (But this is coupled with a low charisma, so she is very unsociable, and may seem cold to anyone who doesn't know her.)
She has fiery red hair, and deep emerald green eyes.
Her fasion sense is less than normal, the brighter and gaudier the colours, the better! Sometimes she will favour waering stylish robes in fights rather than leather armour.
She is very dexterous, and can sprint further and for longer than an average elf, coupled with her ranger traits, she can run for days on end before feeling fatigue, which is a big advantaged because her stride is a great deal shorter than that of the many other races in the realm, and she has been known to need to sprint to keep up with a walking half-orc.
Enlock Nightshade is the oldest son of a wealthy Daleport alchemist. He studied under one of Daleportâ€
s most accomplished mages, a friend of the family who had been purchasing components from the Nightshades for years. However, Enlock wanted to learn spells that would enable him to control dead creatures, something his tutor abhorred. Frustrated, Enlock left Daleport and journeyed to Narfell where he found wizards who would teach him what he wanted.
During his journeys, Enlock stopped in small towns to conduct his research. One night during such an experiment, he attempted to weave negative energy – the power used to control the dead. The experiment was a failure and resulted in an explosion that threw him violently across his room. He nearly lost his life. Before he was knocked unconscious, however, he saw a vision of a small red creature grinning at him.
Enlock woke the next morning in his own bed. His wounds were cleaned and bound. On the other side of the room, perched upon the mantel, was the grinning creature from the night before. The necromancer recognized the fiend as an imp. The creature introduced itself as “Noćna Mora†or Nightmare when translated in the common language. To this day, Enlock is unsure if the imp was summoned by his experiment, or if it was sent to him by some greater power. The necromancer values the fiend as his only true friend and is willing to protect him with his life.
A tall figure in black robes, Nightshade stands at 6â€
tall. His hair is light colored. The same explosion that brought him his imp companion had left his skin with a slight discoloration (he considers it a scar from a negative energy burn). He generally speaks only when spoken to, unless he find ones that can further his necromantic goals.
Nathal Aerlaims
Physical Traits:
Nathal stands only slightly taller than most humans, his hair is straight and falls down just higher than his shoulders. Its colour isn't entirly clear,either black or very very very very dark blue. Some might call it navy. His eyes are a grassy green and his face appears slightly grim.Character traits:
Nathal is a very decent person. He'll never refuse an request for help and wouldn't dream of denying an injured person healing.
While Nathal is polite and will greet people he doesn't know he generally finds it difficult to start a conversation with them,though if they engage him he's more than willing to participate. This can make him appear a bit distanced from people,unlike many followers of Lathander.
Nathal is always concerned about his friends and will drop everything to help one of them out,he believes he can rely on them too,weither this is true or not.
Nathal hates undead and the fact their souls cannot rest,like most clerics of Lathander,but he has a deeper dislike of Pride and stagnation in people and places.
He also has a slight dislike for druids,but this is likly more due to a lack of knowladge of their ways than anything else.
His faith in Lathander is very strong,and he will rely on it always and in all situations,in combat and without.
He doesn't like the night or darkness because they simply make him uneasy,and so he is irritable when outside at night and will sometimes carry a lantern if in a particularily unlit area.
Physical Description-
Marius stands about 6'1" with shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes. He's got a lean build tending towards husky.
Some might find him attractive, but he doesn't fix himself up to seem so. He shaves only when his beard starts getting hot, so he's got stubble or a small beard pretty much all the time.
He's a got a single silver shark tooth hanging from a leather thong around his neck, other jewelry is not visible.
His clothing is often simple and open. Used to going barefoot on the deck of a ship, if he's wearing boots he tends to fidget a bit.
Charater traits-
Marius tends towards the friendly side. As a bard he's aware that if the towns people hate him, he's not going to have an audience. Taking that further, he actively tries to promote friendships with everyone. His wish to always have an audience to perform for has turned into a slew of ethic guidelines that he has turned into sayings, quoting them every chance he gets. For example 'Never kill a potential audience member.' or 'A friendly neighbor could mean one more ticket sold.'
He tries to bring himself across as a distinguished gentleman without seeming aristocratic. All manners and good thoughts. He used to be a sailor though and he tries to suppress habits he picked up during that time to stay out of trouble, which could cost him performing rights in town, but get him drunk or catch him unawares…
Marius views most things as a "good if it works, too bad if it doesn't" situation. "If the audience likes the show you might get some gold, if they don't, you get free food!"
Growing up in Thay and under the indirect rule of Red Wizards, he has a slightly devious view towards political dealings, not being averse to spying or being a mole in the organization. On the other hand, he doesn't believe in political assassinations and the like.
He ran away from Thay to escape becoming a Red Wizard and grows a little nervous if the talk to turns to those subjects.
His parents were sail cloth makers for the navy and Marius learned some of this craft. He turns his attention mostly towards making clothes for himself to perform in.
Marius does not worship one god exclusively, rather calling on whichever suits the situation. Due to his wondering nature, the desire to find new places which may provide new stories and the need for luck he calls on Shaundakul, Selune and Tymora most often.