A new guard

  • Pointedly ignoring the Legion General, Raver shakes her head at her husband

    The Banite should jus' be glad Cera stayed my hand an' he still has his head. He can leave any time he wants. Ain't nobody stopping him.

    Thank ye fer askin' ME first…. an' fer trustin' yet again, Will.

    She then sighs, and walks off towards the training grounds without a backwards glance

  • //sorry, maybe it is a bit late for this >_<

    _After the battle was finished, if someone went north of the bridge, a bit to the east of the camp, a bunch of dead magic eaters could be found. Maybe Ezachiel isn't that much of a coward? Everyone saw that they were not easy to beat, and for one wizard, on his own, to take on that many creatures which are on their strongest against a mage…

    Some might even recall that the guards were sent out by Lilin, even though the monsters did not appear to be attacking the guards at that point.

    In other news, Ezachiel is now positively looking like a homeless guy. A happy homeless guy, most of the time, who still tries to start talking with the other guards, but a rather scruffy looking homeless guy none the less.
    When people pass, he is either standing up, or sleeping, which is a rare occurence._

  • _Theaon nods in agreement with William's words

    "Very well put Will. I would like to add that it is not fair to blame Ezachiel for the deaths of those four Romani. Ezachiel, myself, and a few others were being attacked by those magic devouring creatures that explode when they are exposed to a lot of magic. Ezachiel being a mage himself is for the most part helpless against them. He had two choices, run for his life or stand there and let himself be killed by them, and I don't think any sane person would prefer the latter. It is very unfortunate that the Romani troops were killed, but the person to blame for it is the one who sent the damned creatures, not Ezachiel."_

  • Aelthas ordered that he was to sleep only when told he could. I was there when the order was given.

    …and if certain other rumors are true and a "suggestion" has been made to the warriors to see that he doesn't get any sleep - then that is a problem - particularly when the suggestion comes from one who can give them orders.

    Further, given that his sentence was to "stay there until he learns to appreciate the sense of family of the Romani" - I would ask how he is supposed to learn to appreciate something he has never had the opportunity to experience... and which, in fact, we are going out of our way to deny him.

    Lastly, for those calling him "Banite" - he isn't a Banite anymore, and hasn't been for some years. He has requested that people stop calling him such, and requested that Aelthas ask the Warriors to stop calling him such - a request that Aelthas denied. Calling him "Banite" now makes as much sense as calling Aelthas a "Servant of Shar." While it was true at one time, it isn't now.

    If he has been trying to change, it seems to me that some people are deliberately going out of their way to make that as hard as possible - and to make going back to evil look as attractive to him as they can.

  • Arandor shakes his head, but smiles a little anyway.

    "Fine… But no cookies."

  • Tala laughs

    Can we take him a diaper anyway? I really think that would be a good part of the punishment.

    grins and a decidedly feral way

  • Raver just shakes her head at the overheard discussion

    Don't know why ya'll are makin' us out ta be the bad guys..
    WE didn't kill four of our own men,
    an' we certainly ain't starvin' the banite.

    We ain't chained him down, we ain't told nae to take a piss.

    As a matter o' fact, he was told by me an' Ael that he was ta do as the Warriors do.
    An' I know they eat an' sleep an' take a piss when needed.

    so if he ain't got brains enough ta go get something ta eat…. or sleep when it's needed, I'd say that's his own problems.

    so ye two go right on ahead and get all up in arms about this injustice...
    an' take him a diaper.

  • Aelthas looks between everyone talking, shrugs and wanders off to talk to his men.

  • @81ac89a626=losl:

    "Basic human neccescities are allowed to Ezachiel."

    Lilin says

    "Anyone who has a problem with that can deal with me."

    nods approvingly to Lilin

  • "Basic human neccescities are allowed to Ezachiel."

    Lilin says

    "Anyone who has a problem with that can deal with me."

  • //as far as I can tell, Ezachiel isn't getting anything. He's just surviving off the stuff he had with him, and he gets his water from the snow around him

  • tala inquires of star You aren't suggesting I go sit with him are you? If you want to go give him ginger cookies that is on you. He can eat hard bread and cheese like the other men and women.

  • // @9010fd72d5=ShadowElf:

    For the most part the Warriors ignore him, however the one time he slips up and calls them guards to their faces….
    He ends up almost "slipping" off the cliff

    //Aelthas always calls them guards 😉

    Star seems to relax about him being there especially when she learns more of what he's being 'punished' for. She insists as an Elder that he be given the fundamental human rights, saying she will not have the Camp seen to be effectively torturing him for his crimes by forcing him to not urinate for long hours and to be sleep deprived or starved. This is not to say she seems to in any way like him, and she is quick to point out that when she was a prisoner of Norwick she was treated as a person not an animal and considers anything Norwick does to be the minimum level required by a civilized place.

  • After about a week of guard duty, Ezachiel starts looking worse. He still seems happier than he was when he started, but a week of not enough sleeping, being out and about all day, and not being able to take care proper care of himself are starting to take their toll. Despite his best efforts, Ezachiel isn't really a big advertisement for the camp right now.

  • For the most part the Warriors ignore him, however the one time he slips up and calls them guards to their faces….
    He ends up almost "slipping" off the cliff

  • During the weeks that he's been doing his duty, Ezachiel appears to have undergone a change of sorts. At first, he was looking rather depressed, as might be imagined a person in his situation would look, but after some time, and probably a lot of thinking, he now looks like he has found a new look at life, and has started greeting everyone who passes his post, at times even trying to start a conversation with the other guards.

  • Tala thinks of the names of all the people who were stuck in the tree a few years back and can come up with more than one excuse but sadly mother and daughter are too adepts at stalking from the trees to communicate. Perhaps the errant mage will live a few more days

  • Star may or may not be watching him, and she may or may not simply kill him the second she thinks of an excuse.

  • Raver keeps her eye on him as well, often from the top of the Pass. She never speaks to him, just appears to be waiting for him to make one wrong move

  • Ezachiel appears to be taking his "job" seriously, never leaving his post, surviving on the food he had with him and water from the snow around him. During the darkest hours of the night, he gets a couple of hours of sleep on his bedroll, but gets up before dawn. He almost never speaks, only nodding to those who pass below his post, and only then if they are people he gets along with.