A new guard

  • It would appear that the camp has a new guard in the Nars pass. After accidentally getting four guards killed during a recent attack by some kind of monsters looking for an item he had, Ezachiel turned himself in, and it would appear that he has been pressed into service as a guard now, not even being allowed to keep his spellbook. No one seems to know for how long he will have to perform this task, but the punishments for failure are said to be severe.


  • _It is passed around the camp that Ezachiel is to be tolerated until further notice if he enters the camp. If a new grievance is brought up without hashing over those things already being held against him, then circumstances may change. It is made quite clear, that you don't have to like him, but you are not to just kill him on sight.

    All the Gali and Romani are told by a cheerful voice in their head, which sounds remarkably like Cera. Any asking her about the message will receive the same one from herself.

    Guard duty for Ezachiel has been for now, suspended._

  • After a conversation with Cera, Ezachiel leaves his spot, and heads south.

  • The Warriors having brought their reports to Aelthas and Raver…brings Raver out into the Pass where Eza is yet again standing guard.

    Last warnin'.. Ban….. Fool...
    Take another step into gypsy territory.... go ahead.
    I'm givin' the Warriors and the Guards open season on ye.
    Miss Lilin, Miss Cera won't save ye.

    an' they won't be finding yer body, kin?

    Ye need supplies? Ye just need someone willin' ta talk to yer sorry murderin' arse?
    Head south....

  • After nearly two months, Ezachiel has started entering the camp, if only to replenish his supplies and find a spot to get some sleep behind a tree somewhere. If a gali says something about the dead guards, he gives his apologies, which sound sincere. If he is insulted in some way, he apologizes for his presence before leaving.

  • After over a month, Ezachiel is still at his post. While he was at times nearly cheerful before, now he just stands there, crossbow at the ready, gazing out over the Nars.

  • Mord has watched Eza from a distance on several occasions but has not approached him until the second week. He speaks quietly to the other guards and is allowed to speak with Ezachiel. His meeting is brief and his words are away from the others and whispered softly but vehemently. He finally turns away and marches off noding sharply to the guards, is mouth a thin hard line.

    ((Ezachiel, I am sending you a PM. sorry I got in on this so late))

  • Jonni weighs in

    It's really a simple thin' that's goin' on 'ere, an' there ain't much need to be confusin' the matter, much less to be causin' much of a fight. The mage said 'e was involved in the deaths, an' came an' asked what he could do about it.

    This is what Baba Cera said he could be doin' about it. He stays until he understands what the camp lost, because she didn't feel that he understood it, nor really put much weight on the matter. The deaths were only part of the reason he was banned, there were some threats that were made after. He's workin' towards tryin' to make things right, an' all of ye tossin' words about on whether it's right or wrong, or who's justified to be judgin' an' who ain't amounts to very little.

    He can leave if he feels he's learned his lesson, and Baba Cera will return 'is spellbook if she agrees he has, until then, he can sit in the snow in the pass, come into the camp or whatever, not really carin'.

    We aren' a town to be chargin' fines. We aren' a town to be jailin' someone in a cell to teach them right from wrong. You wan't to pitch in an' make a difference, then ye come to the camp. Ye want to be livin' somewhere where you aren't badgered about yer business unless it harms those ye livin' with, ye come to the camp.

    He felt he owed somethin' an' he's workin' on repayin' it. Let him.

  • to Aelthas

    It would seem you don't much like being called a Servant of Shar. Nonetheless, that is what you were, as Ezachiel was a Banite.

    Neither title is accurate any longer. You don't like your old one it seems, any more than he likes his.

    The rest is just you trying to confuse the issue. No one said you were calling him Banite. You chose to deny that you were to confuse things - Ezachiel asked that you tell the men under your command to stop calling him that - and you refused.

    What I did or did not do is not relevant to the discussion - but I will say again, as I have told you before, that the thing I spoke with was no creature of Shar's - and the deal I was making was for the escape of all three of us - in exchange for a price I would have paid alone. Because you refused, you became an undead creature of Shar's and I lost a hand.

    Regarding Ezachiel's shifts, he was saying his shift was just ending while I was watching with him - and you walked up and said he did not have shifts, and that he was to stay there until told otherwise, and sleep only when told to.

    As to scrolls - yes - I would have given him a scroll of Cat's Grace to better his aim with the crossbow he was using in lieu of the spells he would have normally had, and grease, to slow things approaching him.

    He is a mage, and without spells, close combat was a death sentence.

    Incidentally, I offered the scrolls but he did not take them.

    As to the duel of honor - you may challenge me if you wish. You are a better warrior and would win. It does not change the truth.

    to Arandor

    Cookies sound like a good idea.

    Will follows Arandor in search of cookies and better conversation

  • _Miss Lilin, you bein' Elder an' all….
    yer word is good.

    but was Cera who took his spellbook, nae me an' Ael.

    Aint' nobody holdin' him captive, but the spellbook....
    only Missy Cera can return._

  • Having heard what Lilin says, Ezachiel spends some hours thinking, before coming to a conclusion.

    If my presence here is tolerated, I would ask to continue my guard duty for two more weeks, one week for each of the men who fell, saving my life. Furthermore, if their families would be willing to receive compensation from me, I will compensate them.

    After that, he goes back to looking out over the Nars, crossbow at the ready, as he has done for the last two weeks.

  • After many days of silent observation, reflection and collection

    "This is issue is finished. Ezachiel is offered the things he needs, weither or not he takes them is his choice."

    She looks to Aelthas and Raver, either individually, or together

    "Remember, even is Ezachiel isn't the shiniest apple in the bunch, how you treat him is how people think you will treat anyone else. Ezachiel's ability to come and go freely from this camp is completely determined by earning you and your men's respect.

    "From my observation, he is working quite hard to do that."

    The Elder makes this point perfectly clear to everyone else:

    "Ezachiel is free to go when he pleases, spell book and all. The men who fell chose not to return. Their memory will be celebrated as they pass on to the afterlife, but I think that Ezachiel has been punished enough for what occured. It is painful, I know, for everyone involved, but we must remember that in death, a more glorious life is born for everyone who passes.

    "What Ezachiel does now, is to prove he is worthy of the camp's defender's respect. I have told him if he does this, he will be free to come and go as he pleases."

  • Dwin arrives in town looking for Lillin on other business and hears all of the commotion.

    You can listen my advice er not, but here it is.

    Whether the lad is a banite or not matters little–look at the effect he's had upon all o you and the camp. Brother against brother, words against words...even threats of steel on steel.

    Dwin shakes his head

    You are all better than this and ya know it. Clarify what the punishment is, or let him go. The lack of communication here is the problem, and you're all rippin each other to shreds over it. Is it all worth keepin some daft lad on a hill?

  • _"Didn't say I was trying to control Camp business. For the sake of avoiding any more arguments I'll be on my way. Hope you all get this settled with haste."

    heads towards Jiyyd_

  • Aelthas glances at Thaeon, speaking in a calm voice.

    As I stated Thaeon, I do NOT call Ezachiel a banite and as such, it IS an insult to my honor and faith that anyone calls me a servant of Shar, in truth or in jest. Personally.. that means me. I speak for myself, not anyone else. I control myself and my words.

    I have agreed to give Ezachiel a chance to redeem himself and as far as this is concerned, it is none of your business. Leave camp business to the elders and commanders and go run your legion.

  • _"I think Will was just using the 'Servant of Shar' thing as an example. And as for calling Ezachiel a Banite, I see some hypocrisy when I hear 'As for you calling me a servant of Shar, it is an insult to my honor and my faith, I do not call Ezachiel banite like you may think.' I don't care who we're talking about, calling someone a Banite who isn't is an insult to one's honor and faith regardless of 'how we may think.'

    I'm not criticizing your ways here in the Camp. I just think if someone is serving their punishment with a positive attitude you should at least show them a little respect in return."_

  • Aelthas just grins

    Yes yes, servant of Shar.. as you wish William. I am the one making deals with servants of Shar, of course, the only difference between you and myself, is that I was not in control of my actions, yet you deal with servants of Shar quite frequently, lets not forget the shadows you were making a deal with so you could escape any pain in Norwick, some of us don't succumb to the enemies as easily as you it seems.

    As for you calling me a servant of Shar, it is an insult to my honor and my faith, I do not call Ezachiel banite like you may think. Say it once more and perhaps a duel of honor will be needed?

    As for Ezachiel, yes, I told him he would sleep when we said, every guard has the shift they are to perform, this is no different. Have a problem, why not take it up with Jonni, or your wife?

    Pauses a moment, then looks back to Will

    Oh.. not sure, but did you tell your wife you were supplying Ezachiel with scrolls to cast spells? After we took his spell book?

  • "Sounds good… Hey... What about the cookies?" Arandor calls out to her just as she walks off… After a long moment, he then looks to Will, shaking his head, he waits just long enough for the two wives to be out of earshot. "Women… Let me tell you, if Raver is forgiving as Tala, you're farked." He tells him with a good-natured, probably jesting smile. "Come on, let's go find those cookies."

  • Tala looks to Arandor with a odd smile

    Shes got a temper like I do. I wonder if she is as forgiving as I am? Maybe you should have a talk with Will.

    I'm going to go see if Raver wants to have a good old fashioned girl ale fest. Been ages since I've had one of those. Besides the banite turned his nose up at my left overs. Damn fine food, sniffed at it like I'd poison my children or something, farker. So that means you have to eat the left overs now hun. Its that root stew you like with the nutty bread. You know where to find the butter.

    wanders after Raver pulling some ales from her pack with a grin

  • Even after hearing that he is allowed to leave, Ezachiel stays at his post.

    Leave? And then get banned for life? I'm not going anywhere then.