Recruit Trainining with Colonel Mord Cabro

  • Celestria is noted doubling the patrols of the Rawlins with the recruits. They are seen leaving regularly and returning with packs bulging with weapons confiscated from the goblins. The weapons are put in a corner in the barracks until there is no room left for them, numbering approximately 200. At that time, she addresses the recruits,

    "These weapons need to be in a order for inspection for any taint. Before any of you sleep tonight, I expect every last one of them placed in a neat order on the weapon racks here in the barracks. Once they are cleansed of any taint, between your normal drills, you will see to sharpening them and ensuring they are in top shape to be used in the upcoming battle. This procedure was related to me by Senior Guardsman Elyl as Colonel Mord's wishes."

    She eyes the tired and ragged recruits as she walks by each one and gives a slight smile.

    "You have all made me proud thus far. No slacking off now. Dismissed!"

  • *After several grueling days of training, Andrew can be seen running laps up and down the hill and around the crafter’s hall in his armor regularly. In between patrols, running and other training activities, he can be found fast asleep at the fire where many things happen around him, to include umberhulks waking him and scaring him half to death.

    After having his knee fractured on patrol, he disobeyed orders from a local non-militia medic to rest his leg after a local Cleric healed it. He simply stated he needed to press on with training to be ready for the upcoming battles. His only comment to being injured was that he was glad goblins were not a foot taller.*

  • Celestria looks over the weapons after having Raxia lay them out on the ground. With a single nod, she gives directions to the recruit.

    "Good work, recruit. If I had my way, I would immediately have those weapons destroyed with the taint still on them but the Colonel may have other ideas. I will take them for now and speak with him about it. Any others you confiscate, bring them to me also. At least the goblins cannot reuse them."

    She looks over the tall woman and nods again to her.


  • Raxia doesnt seem to speak hardely t all to any of the other recruits. She sits back listening to them chatter and fixes her armor in the stands and sharpens her blades every evening. Often times after the training is finished she heads out into the forest collecting goblin weapons. One night after a physically long training day she comes back with an armful of swords

    "Guardsman Celestria. These weapons were taken from the corrupted soldiers out in the woods"

    she then await word of what to do with them. Many still have the tainted blood wet upon them

  • During drills with guardsmen Celestria there is a noticable difference in how Recruit Alastor is performing from the day he first started. His training seems to be progressing very quickly.

    When the recruits are dismissed he can be seen passing battle stories with all the other recruits at the bonfire and finally heading to the barracks to get his bunk ready for inspection.

  • Celestria has been seen out with the recruits on a regular basis. Their activities range from fighting multiple goblins at once to running laps in full armor. She assesses their skills during training, noting any weak points that may need further conditioning. She is heard pushing them hard but each activity she expects of them, she participates in herself, pushing herself just as hard to meet the high standards needed to see to their training in the short amount of time alotted.

    "Run, recruit! Faster! Hup!"

    She calls out running alongside a new recruit. Upon beating him back to the fire, she tells him,

    "Tis not a good thing when I beat you in laps."

    When his attention wanders to the conversation at the bonfire, she reminds him,

    "Your attention should ne'er be on casual conversation or social happenings about you. You are in training to be the best you can be for Norwick."

    She is then heard dismissing the recruit, giving him one hour to eat, rest and ensure his equipment is in top shape before reporting back for further training drills.

  • The Halfling Defence League

    Dietrick can be seen in good spirits of late, especially after what Mord's given instructions.
    "Chance to fights alots alots!" the hin is heard to comment.

  • *The guards stand at stiff attention as the Colonel and his senior staff run a group inspection of all guards and trainees. An hour of nerve racking hell some were heard to say afterword, since it had never been done before. Finally the Colonel adreeses the group. *

    Guardsman Celestri and Guardsman Jaya have joined our ranks and will uphold the honor of our town. At this time I would like to present two new recruits fer trainnin, A Halfling and human are waved out from the side of the barracks Trainees Dietrick gestures tot he hin and Trainee Andrew I give into yer care. I will say nothin more, ye knwo what to do.

    He pauses and continues more slowly Events seem to be comin to a head and trainnin and normal duties will be stepped up. We have 3 weeks to git the best we can out of everyone. Guard schedules will be revised and patrols stepped up in the Wood. Those patrols will strongly involve all trainees. Ifn ye are not arrivin back at yer barracks half asleep then ye are not pushin hard enough.

    In the mean time the senior guards and lieutenants will be runnin surprise inpections and special missions with one and all. I want all gear in as good a shape as ye will be.

    He starts to say something more then stops and glares along the ranks one more time


  • _Days upon days of drills have been taking a toll on young Recruit Alastor. His skinn is changing from a dull white to a dark tan. His face once covered in stubble now is clean shaven. His muslces, once lean, are now much more bulky. His once slightly cheery attuide has been replaced with a more quiet man. He nods to the locals as he passes them, proud to be a trainee in Norwick's Guard. When the drills of the days are done and the recruits go to thier bunks for the night, Alastor can be seen running extra laps or doing extra combat drills in the rawlinswood on is own, even without having been order to do so.

    One night a few guards can be heard saying,
    " That Recruit Alastor will make one 'ell of a Guardsman one day"_

  • *The walk was short from the inn to the barracks. Twas not much time, but twas enough for thoughts to run through his mind. He wondered if Tyr would allow him to succeed. His determination at acquiring the servitude he desired was great and he felt the path had been shown to him.

    Norwick…a community with needs. Twas land with room for growth and a community that seemed to be a target of hatred and evil. Twas a land where he knew he needed to be. And most importantly, Tyr needed representation.

    As he approached the door, he pressed the thoughts away and prepared his mind for duty. His look turned steely and his demeanor changed from casual to one of servitude and respect.

    He stood before the door, in his plain plate armor, albeit a full set. His sword was sheathed at his side, although by the looks of the hilt, it had seen better days. An axe, which looked to be crafted by a master hung from his belt. It felt out of place to him, though it was better than his sword. The pack on his back was bulky, yet he seemed to carry it with ease. Hanging from it was a towering shield, longer than his torso, but from a master crafter’s view, was nothing more than a piece of metal.

    One last personal thought crossed his mind before he knocked upon the door of the barracks with purpose. ‘From Royal Guard to Recruit it shall be.’ The rising sun had just cleared the horizon when the door opened and he spoke in a confident and respectful manner. His stance was one of a well seasoned guard, even a Royal Guard if one had the eye for such. There was no arrogance, conceit or disrespect present whatsoever. “Andrew Tormier, reporting for duty as requested sir/ma’am,” ((whichever gender it may be that opens the door)). With that stated, he awaited the response.*

  • At the end of an attack by dretches, winged horrors and tainted goblins, Celestria stood with the group that defended the area south of Norwick. Colonel Mord joined the group and learned what had taken place. Upon his arrival, she greeted him as usual though did not receive his usual reply


    he greeted her with the single word. The word rang through her head a few times as it slowly sank in. A smile took her eyes traveling to her lips. Certainly pride was seen in her expession upon the promotion though barely a whisper escaped her,

    "I made it. Thank you, Torm."

  • _At the end of an attack by dretches, winged horrors and tainted goblins, Celestria stood with the group that defended the area south of Norwick. Colonel Mord joined the group and learned what had taken place. Upon his arrival, she greeted him as usual though did not receive his usual reply[i/]


    _he greeted her with the single word. The word rang through her head a few times as it slowly sank in. A smile took her eyes traveling to her lips. Certainly pride was seen in her expession as barely a whisper escaped her,[i/]

    "I made it. Thank you, Torm."__

  • The Halfling Defence League

    A muscular hin with a sword as big as him strapped on his back is seen moving into the barracks and sleeping there every night recently. During day , he practices the drills with the other recruit frevently with great enthusiasm and what could be seen as pure joy. Apparently he is newly recruited after an attack by strange demons and such at the south gates. Most will know him as Dietrick for those who stay in the same barrack.

  • Celestria stands silently while the others are dismissed. Her stance is stoic yet her eyes show signs of nervousness. She watches the others leave, her gaze turning questioningly to Jaya then back to Mord as he approaches them. She draws a deep breath and releases it slowly, awaiting what he has to say.

    ((Will wait for IG interaction then post here))

  • _The new recurits are seen getting settled in to there bunks and are given what gear they need. After a hour or so of rest they are quickly called to do drill upon drill ranging from frontline fighting to ranged attacks to sprinting up the hills in full armor.

    Early next morning the drills are finally done and the new recurits are told to get some chow and rest up for the next day. Recurit Alastor can be seen hitting his bed a nearly passing out right there on the spot._

  • Several more recruits are added to the rolls and show up at dawn for training. - Recruit: Raxia Steel and Recruit: Alastor Kross are put in wiht the older trainees. Mord introduces them during morning call and also pulls trainees Celestria and Jaya aside when the rest are dismissed. ((I will try and catch you two in game))

    (( OOC Below are the missing in action, I think.

    • Recruit: Tyler Wefneran think I saw him in game the other day but no posts.
    • Recruit: Derin Blackmoor I have seen nothing of this one, Possible dead and gone
    • Recruit: Morgul I have seen nothing of this one, let me know.
    • Recruit: Roger Cutham I know him in RL and he plays mostly on another site. I will talk to him and most likely drop him.))


  • Mord chuckles softly then shrugs That may git their blood a flowin….mayhap too freely. But, tis yer call, just keep an eye on em, they should be smart enough to retreat ifn they must.

  • Aye s'pose so. What kinda excitement ye be wantin? I could go over to the bugbear camp and invite em over for some wargames grins

  • Mord catches the shout and the beginning of the commotion and smiles thinly as he continues North.

    As he approaches the town he spots Cyrian near the south gates an heads over

    Lieutenant. Seems our trainees and new guardsman have made a comfortable camp near the old ruins. Their orders are to remain there fer the next 6 days er so. Think ye could stir up a little excitement down that way fer em? Nay want em to git too comfortable.

  • The warning was heard for a distance in the still night air.

    "AT ARMS! GOBS!!"

    _A few moments of chaos and mingled voices followed as the recruits gathered their weapons tiredly and prepared to defend themselves and slay the goblins.

    Having fought at Elyl's side before, Celestria took a place in the center between the front lines and the rear. She cast light to ensure they could see what they were up against. A dozen or so goblins. Fighting ensued, screams of pain and death, battle cries to various Gods, weapons gleaming in streaking patterns as they were flung about in battle. Limbs and blood strewn across the area, heavy breathing and cries of anger rang through the night air.

    They fought bravely, with a vengeance, the front lines taking the brunt of the beatings. Nasty cuts and gashes, flesh hanging in places. She kept them healed as best she could and inbetween, helped slay the vile creatures. When all fell quiet, each one looked about cautiously to ensure no goblins were missed, then looked to each other to ensure all were still standing. Indeed they were, though haggard and tired._

    "Pick up their gear! No sense leaving it here for them to gather and use again!"

    She was not sure who spoke, though she and the others went to gathering the gear. Decent weapons and armor were kept for selling. Items broken or torn in battle were burned.

    "Where did they come from? Seem to come from nowhere!"

    One recruit questioned. The following conversation gave various theories of why the goblins were out there until all finally fell quiet in the small, makeshift camp.