Oreth sits in the commons, head leaned back against the rail behind the bench, watching the clouds through the spires of the city. As rumors of this new royalty and his oaths reach him, the druid raises his head a bit, and rolls his eyes
Yes, because it's not as though this city would still be starving if it weren't for a circle of "Disloyalist" Druids from "Enemy" territory.
Where the hells did this man learn politics? "Us and Them Scare Tactics for Beginners"? I'm just a tree-hugging wilderness-boy, I'm told, and I could come up with better than that….
He shakes his head, then reclines it again, sinking back into semi-sleep while watching the clouds. After a moment, he looks up again
…And no, that's not a declaration of candidacy. I'm not that crazy.