Demi Arkania Rei Can'dii
While known by many, full can recite properly the name of this master songstress of the Peltarch Bardic College. Stories speak that she arrived in Peltarch on a 'journey towards adventure' and never left once she grew attached to the city. The habit of sitting against or around the sundial in the commons plaza, has earned her the title 'Lady of the Dial', and over time friends gathering around her have made the sundial a meeting point for bards.
While those who know her not regard her as cold or distant, those who have known her for longer know her to be kind and caring for those she cares about, her fellow Cerulean Knights, her fellow bards, and her sister by elven bloodbond, Eowiel Senella.
She is known capable of shaping the weave, an able marksman and scout, but mostly for the satin pink color of her hair and the singing voice that gained her some reknown within Narfell. Her best-known song would be the one that graduated her to the rank of baccalaureate bard within the College; 'The Tale of the Thalia Emerald', an epic piece of betrayal, love and magic.